
Are fat friends better than thin friends?

When you're gaining, do you prefer fat people for friends? Seems like they'd be less judgmental.
2 years

Are fat friends better than thin friends?

When you're gaining, do you prefer fat people for friends? Seems like they'd be less judgmental.

My whole family is fat. so obviously fat
2 years

Are fat friends better than thin friends?

Fat friends, definitely! Especially fat friends who weigh more and are fatter than you! That also goes for relatives.
2 years

Are fat friends better than thin friends?

Ah, I’d say fat friends are much better for gaining weight steadily :-)
2 years

Are fat friends better than thin friends?

Funny enough my bigger friends have been the ones to comment most rudely while my smaller friends just know I eat a lot & don’t really say much about my Gain except that I’m thick & look good
2 years

Are fat friends better than thin friends?

Having friends fatter than you is good for gaining, but it becomes strange when you outgrow them. They give you a hand-me-down shirt, and it stops fitting.
You become the fatter friend, and your friends assume you need more to eat, so you become the fattest friend faster.
2 years

Are fat friends better than thin friends?

To add to my previous comment, having friends who have also gained a lot of weight also helps :-)
2 years

Are fat friends better than thin friends?

Fat is fasure always better.
2 years

Are fat friends better than thin friends?

I have skinny friends who eat more than me when we go out lol however I also have a few friends who are lovely, but they constantly order salads and mention about weight loss/ their diets so I just don’t feel like I eat what I want around them.

For me, I don’t mind if they are fat or skinny as long as they aren’t judgemental about what I eat lol
2 years

Are fat friends better than thin friends?

Fat friends who are cool with being fat are the best. Fun to go out to eat with because I know we're getting appetizers, entrees and dessert. I also know I'm not going to hear about the latest routine at the gym or god forbid a lecture on how I can lose weight.
1 year
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