
Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

I keep encountering people who claim feedism has helped them with their EDs. I'm not saying this is a general solution, or that it's better than seeing a doctor--just saying it can happen.
1 year

Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

This is interesting. If you have an ED you may be helped by having a feedist partner, even if you're not a feedist yourself:
1 year

Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

I don’t have an ED but I do experience disordered eating when my OCD relapses
1 year

Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

I discovered I'm into feederism pretty early and throughout childhood (being a chubby kid) and early puberty I developed an ED. I started out anorexic, cause I was terrified of being fat. Got into hospital, gained from 48kg to 65kg. Then bulimia, I was trying to cop3 with my binging so I don't gain. But my other mental health issues require a lot of energy so I cannot cope with the binging anymore... So the classic ana->mia->binge eating disorder. But I always masturbate to the binges and I feel so guilty now with 78kg...
1 year

Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

I think some folks here are taking the question the wrong way. The fact is, I sometimes feel like this is a manifestation of my own eating disorder, which I have never taken lightly. The eating disorder robbed me of so much time, so many experiences, so many years. Sometimes I want to get rid of this part of myself so much. Other times, I am so happy being this way. It's important for me to stop and remember where I came from before I came to the point of gaining weight and being happy with that. It is as though my ED was a way of repressing a sexual side of myself. I am from the states, a place where sexual repression is the number one epidemic that nobody speaks about. I value the fact that this has been brought up, and I hope this conversation continues.
1 year

Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

This is actually incredibly common! Eating disorders are complex simply because it’s one of the only psychiatric illnesses that society encourages and kind of idolizes in a sick way. Restrictive eating disorders can result in a really desexualized body type, and it can be about repression of desire and need, especially when there is shame tied to the concept of desire and need. It’s a denial of the erotic and it divorces the mind from the body. Feederism is the exact opposite of that—there’s eroticism in growing, in being fed, in sexual and physical need. There also something erotic about the way people look at you in a fatphobic society, the same way it can be erotic to do a “walk of shame” and know that the people you’re walking past suspect from the way you look that you’ve just had a wild night. It’s kind of like a “yeah that’s right, I fucking did it and there’s nothing you can do about it.” It’s subversive. And I often see that as people heal from their ED, they can move to the kink community… I’m not sure it’s causal necessarily, but it is a correlation I’ve observed
1 year

Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

I sure do. I was actively struggling with anorexia from the time I was 12-20ish. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I ended up more or less accepting that I have kinky feelings around weight gain and it’s confusing as all heck for me. Having someone encourage me to gain weight and actively find me sexier fatter does help me keep the ana voice quiet, but it’s hard to find a feeder that understands how hard it can be to deal with that.
1 year

Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

This is actually incredibly common! Eating disorders are complex simply because it’s one of the only psychiatric illnesses that society encourages and kind of idolizes in a sick way. Restrictive eating disorders can result in a really desexualized body type, and it can be about repression of desire and need, especially when there is shame tied to the concept of desire and need. It’s a denial of the erotic and it divorces the mind from the body. Feederism is the exact opposite of that—there’s eroticism in growing, in being fed, in sexual and physical need. There also something erotic about the way people look at you in a fatphobic society, the same way it can be erotic to do a “walk of shame” and know that the people you’re walking past suspect from the way you look that you’ve just had a wild night. It’s kind of like a “yeah that’s right, I fucking did it and there’s nothing you can do about it.” It’s subversive. And I often see that as people heal from their ED, they can move to the kink community… I’m not sure it’s causal necessarily, but it is a correlation I’ve observed

Wow, I think you really nailed the psychology behind feedism with this post. I’ve been thinking a lot about my own feeder kink lately, and it’s definitely a mix of a provider fetish and the subversiveness and hedonism you describe. Thank you for writing that.
1 year

Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

I'm too tired to go through the rest of the thread, but to answer the original thread question, yes. I don't have any specific diagnosis at this time, but I do generally have ongoing ED issues including body dysmorphia.
1 year

Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

Had a history of restrictive EDs growing up due to having fatphobic and controlling parents. Nevertheless developed a thing for softer partners, largely out of rebellion. Broke away from the Eds, almost reached a point where I was eating intuitively and comfortably. Then in 2020 I entered a toxic relationship with someone who claimed to be a feedee with no designs on playing the feeder. He lied. Caught him tampering with my food. Back at square one when it comes to restriction and paranoia. I love my current partner with all my heart, and adore the moments when I get to bring him his favorite meals and caress his soft belly...but my relationship with my own body remains, for the moment, totally annihilated.
1 year
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