Fat experiences

Fat at the doctors

I can empathize with your experience. I was steadily gaining over a 10 year period of time and my female internist was always concerned each year when I had my physical. She was very concerned about me reaching 300 lbs. when I weighed around 285. When I hit 305 lbs. I found myself looking forward to being scolded by her for getting so fat over the past year. She told me I was really getting obese and when she pressed on my abdomen to try and feel some of my internal organs she had a hard time given how big and fat my belly was. As she pushed down she said I really should lose some of this and all I could do was smile and feel a tingle shoot thru my body from being turned on by her comments. It was strange how I looked forward to being gently scolded for getting fat but had no intention of losing weight. Like you the visit gave me something to pleasure myself with as I replayed the visit and conversation in my head. An orgasm always results.
2 years

Fat at the doctors

I have never been scolded at the doctor's for gaining weight but I have a feeling it's coming. I thought when I was over 230 pounds they might say something. When the scale goes over 250 at my next appointment, I imagine I will get spoken to about healthier eating habits and exercise.
2 years

Fat at the doctors

NAAFA in their heyday, had a list of Fat Friendly Doctors in all 50 states. By fat friendly, they did not mean 'encouragers' they simply meant those who did not make fat people feel like dirt when they visited.
Thankfully, mine was positive and ssbhm so there was a comfort level. He told me truths but not to where I was scolded or felt lesser than.
In this age of information and social media, I don't know if that would go over well as doctors who lose patients would claim those doctors are enablers or quacks when they were anything but.
I do hope more fat people across the board have better relationships with their primary doctor or get 2nd opinions/new ones especially with WLS being so profitable for them now as opposed to before.
2 years

Fat at the doctors

Other half and I don’t have a scale, so doc visits are the only way we know our weight :-)
2 years

Fat at the doctors

I try so hard to look upset when the doctor talks about me getting fatter. But inside, I am proud. In the car, after the visit, I pat my fat belly and go get me two (or three ) big cheeseburgers and celebrate.
2 years

Fat at the doctors

Something I'm definitely anxious about is going to see a doctor for the first time in years. I don't know what the best way to approach the conversation will be. Do I just rip the band aid off and level with the doc that I'm a gainer and don't want to lose weight? Or do I play it off like I'll try to workout or diet but not actually do anything?

Depends on what you are comfortable with plus, some doctors (especially not fat friendly) may refer you to psychiatric therapy for the gainer reveal. It's your first visit, so you are getting a chance to feel out the doctor as well. Personally, if a doctor is above and beyond harsh knowing there are other medical offices you can go..is a red flag.
Nothing wrong with nodding your head or admitting in general that it is healthier to drop a few lbs. If he/she is a stickler and tells you ONLY to lose lbs instead of Rx painkillers for your sprained ankle in future visits...it may be time to look elsewhere.
2 years

Fat at the doctors

My doctor always comments on my weight gain. She is really nice about it so I don’t mind. Some of the other nurses are less tactful “my oh my have we plumped up since we saw you” or “it looks like some of your clothes are getting tight and need an upgrade”
2 years

Fat at the doctors

Can I poke that belly and other parts if she doesn’t
2 years

Fat at the doctors

I'm participating in a sleep study and was pleasantly surprised to see I was just over 300 lbs when they weighed me at my initial appointment. I've found doctors might make a mild suggestion to lose weight, but they never take a hard line on it. I'm supposed to see my doctor in 10 days and I've gained 25 lbs since our last appointment a couple of months ago.
2 years

Fat at the doctors

Do doctors in the US just routinely weigh you and record it every time, no matter what you go in there for? That's the impression I get from some of you and that seems crazy to me!
2 years
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