Clothes padding

Padding in your childhood

I enjoyed reading everyone's responses. I too stuffed blankets and pillows into large t shirts and sweatpants when I was kid. It would give me a thrill, and I would get off to it from a young age, but I didn't know why it felt good or what I was doing. I had my favorite XL clothes to use for stuffing. I remember one time I was doing it in front of the mirror, and I noticed that our family's beagle was looking at me from around the corner. She just stared at me for awhile, looking so confused. But I couldn't do it in front the dog when she was looking at me like that! So I pushed her out of the room and told her to go away, but she came back in to stare some more! I don't know why that dog noticed so much. But imagine that, being embarrassed by the dog!! Lmaoo
1 year

Padding in your childhood

Hey everyone! I did this too! My first memory of doing it was from when I was, like, 3!

These days, I’m actually a scientist who studies human sexuality– I’m interested in these childhood experiences that we all seem to share, and decided to get some answers, and designed this anonymous survey as a way to hear from the community directly. If this all resonates with you, and you have a few minutes to fill out the survey linked below, you will help get us closer to a nuanced understanding of the role of kink and fetish in human sexuality.

Survey Link:
1 year

Padding in your childhood

HSPR Participant Outreach:
Hey everyone! I did this too! My first memory of doing it was from when I was, like, 3!

These days, I’m actually a scientist who studies human sexuality– I’m interested in these childhood experiences that we all seem to share, and decided to get some answers, and designed this anonymous survey as a way to hear from the community directly. If this all resonates with you, and you have a few minutes to fill out the survey linked below, you will help get us closer to a nuanced understanding of the role of kink and fetish in human sexuality.

Survey Link:[/quote]

Will you please keep us updated on the results?
1 year

Padding in your childhood

I will give my story.

When I was younger I started padding. I remember distinctly as a small child doing it and thinking it was funny. Well as I got older I didn't do it as much, but when I hit puberty, I made an odd discovery that when I put my blanket under my shirt to look fatter I "enjoyed it" and thus began my padding journey. I would shove all manners of pillows, blankets, anything under my clothes, to portray giant sizes. I would even rip some of my clothes from time to time.

But there was something going on below the surface, I was in fact getting bigger. I was never an active gainer, never even considered gaining. I mean sure I liked weight gain, obviously. But I never once thought of say, overeating on purpose to gain weight. But I suppose the subconscious really is powerful because I started growing. Now, keep in mind, I would still occasionally pad myself, funny enough but never put the two together. Clothes I used to pad would no longer fit a few months later but for real. I think by 9th grade I was pushing past 200 lbs and it didn't stop. I remember in hindsight I was eating massive amounts and gaming all night. Giant steak and cheese subs, entire bags of doritos, huge bottles of pop. I just kept getting fatter.

College didn't help, there wasn't a lot of time between working and going to school at the same time. I would go to Taco Bell and eat like 10 different items and not even bat an eye, I used to think it was normal. The padding stopped some time ago, but the gaining continued pace.

One day, about 2 years after graduation, I went to the doctor and stood on a scale for the first time in years. I won't forget it, it said 308 lbs. I was legit shocked, the doctors didn't even seem to chide me for it.

I decided I would get in shape during the pandemic, I started losing weight, a lot of weight. And I was quite successful, then after losing about 100 lbs it is almost like it came back. Like my brain was like "Hey now, remember, you used to be big, wasn't that cool?" It all started flooding back and I became reawakened to this whole thing, the padding, weight gain, all of it, like unlocking some repressed core. I felt, lament! I was sort of shocked, I was lamenting at my weight loss, I was huge, and I didn't even know it! Imagine if I was that huge again!

Well one day I discovered feederism and here I am. Sort of in limbo between half my brain saying "you should probably try to build a relationship" and the other saying "bro imagine if you were 800 lbs that would be so awesome" and now I am trying to find someone I can build a relationship with, and they also want me to be huge.
11 months

Padding in your childhood

Yes, I did this to! Looking back I seemed to do it about the early ages of 7-10 but then I remember many times doing it when I was 12 -14 and there was a whole different feeling towards it. I would stuff my shirt with a pillow and walk around look in a mirror sideways then I would stuff another one in my shirt and that really did it. I would walk over to the wall and feel how far away I was with this big fat gut. It was the most arousing feeling I had felt.

Time went on and I didn’t seem to pad to much being athletic and involved in sports at the time through high school and college I gained only sinewy muscle and was quite ripped up. I always had heavier girlfriends and directed my fetish on them, not so much as a feeder but certainly an encourager. In all my serious long term relationships we would eat a ton of food together and my girlfriends always needed us gaining a bunch of weight, I on the other hand did not. I guess for many years my fetish only related to women or my girlfriends and then my wife gaining weight. I we the years my desire for more and more weight on women seemed to go up quite a bit. It wasn’t till I realized that I gained weight in one of my serious relationships out of college while I was busy admiring my girlfriend absolutely blowing up, she called it to my attention that I have gained with her also while we were living together. It was so arousing to hear and for the first time in my life I was not considered skinny but the bigger guy all of a sudden.

Fast forward to several years ago when my wife was packing on the pounds and I realized once again after admiring my wife gaining that I all if a sudden was eating even more Ben n Jerry’s than here in the evenings when I never even had a sweet tooth before this. I started intentionally gaining and put on a huge gut. During this time I was so fattened with having this huge gut sticking out in front of me that I barely paid as much attention to my wife’s growing gut that kept pace with mine. I finally had all those intense original arousal feeling I felt when I was stuffing and a young teenager accept now it was my own real huge gut getting in the way and what made it even better was that my wife was close to her fattest ever with a nice big belly, trying to go in for a kiss was a struggle with our bellies bumping into each other, let alone love making missionary was an extremely arousing struggle with our bellies getting in the way which I found out made it that much more arousing.Then this major light bulb went off and I realized that the ultimate for me was not only mutual gaining but especially with me having such a big gut getting in the way struggling to get deeper penetration with my wife because of the huge beach ball gut I had packed on. Hope to is part was not to much TMI, but that is kind of the highest arousal with this fetish for me so far.
11 months

Padding in your childhood

I have distinct memories of stuffing a pillow in my shirt or my pyjama onesie from like 3-4 or so... in my cot while napping after lunch. I remember it felt so comforting to have a full stomach and then my huge pillow-belly to hug.

I also figured out very early that if i used elastic but robust materials I could recreate the kind of pressure I felt when I overate, I had this one fairy or mermaid leotard thing for dress-up and it was very shiny and very stretchy but also extremely resistant to force.

I already had quite a tummy back then and I would put on that leotard over a very thick and fluffy sweater that i'd stuffed more clothes under and oooooh the compression on my big tummy felt so good, and also how enormous it looked... I'd waddle around my room, arching my back, sticking my tummy out as far as it went and rub my hands all over it's shiny smooth roundness.

Later I evolved to wrapping stretchy blankets around my empty tummy, then putting on my swimsuit and then eating and eating to get the pressure to increase. I started seriously bingeing in secret once I got put on my first diet, and the padding kind of became part of the ritual... as soon as I was alone, or when i'd feel the kind of uncontrolleable need to eat coming on I'd like frantically wrap the blanket I had hiding in the back of my closet for that purpose around my gut, throw on my swimsuit and some clothes back over it just in case someone came home unexpectedly and caught me... and rush downstairs and start shoving food in before I even had time to sit down.

And then lie on my bed, stomach swollen and aching, and still keep the layers on as long as I could bear it, feeling my glorious rising belly and feeling utterly sated.

Eventually I got fat enough I didn't need padding to feel like my belly was huge, but to this day I like putting on a tight top that compresses my gut a bit before overeating...
5 months

Padding in your childhood

Omg same here!

I had a fair share of plenty of experiences stuffing my shirt with pillows pretending that I just ate a lot like an overstuffed cartoon character. After watching scenes like Foster's Home for imaginary friends where Franky stuffs herself, during the credits or Tom and Jerry where the Duckling got fed a little too much by Tom and various others shows I've seen involving weight gain like that enticed me to emulate the look and feel of a ridiculous enormous round belly. I basically wrap like 8 large pillows in a single wide blanket,and then I shove that whole thing into a really elastic used dress and poof! I gained myself a huge belly to huge and cuddle with while I eat, sleep, and loiter around my house in case nobody else is around!

There was this one time I actually decided to play it risky and walk outside my house late at night, overly stuffed with those pillows in my shirt, I rubbed that fake belly of mine like no tomorrow and needless to say, some people did see me in public (albeit, it was dark enough that they couldn't see clearly!)

3 months

Padding in your childhood

i padded, made my bum look bigger hehe
1 month

Padding in your childhood

I padded my whole body once with huge pillow as a belly, a too smaller one as ass cheeks and another two as big legs

It was so cool!
3 weeks
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