Clothes padding

Best setups for padding?

Hey y’all, I’d like to get back into padding but I don’t really know where to start. I haven’t really done much before, just shoving blankets and pillows up my shirt and in my pants before.

What setups do you all use for padding? I’d like to just do belly & ass paddings to start, and some things with a little more weight than just pillows and blankets. I’ve heard of people using the wubble bubble balls before; how would you even support something like that?
2 years

Best setups for padding?

One-piece women's bathing suits and/or women's shapewear shorts or bodysuits. I have also thought about support garments for lipidemia, but those are terribly expensive to use for this activity when I like to stretch them bigger and bigger.

It will be a balance between level of support and size. The bigger you go with your garments the bigger you can get with your size, but it will be more difficult to support.
2 years

Best setups for padding?

I have used Jockey brand Life briefs, their nylon ones. I have some large size, that stretch out very well. I do go for minimum clothes to pad in.
1 year

Best setups for padding?

I have a pair of boxer/briefs that are very stretchy and I have been using a beach ball. Partially inflated, it's concave around my belly, but bulging convex under a stretchy t-shirt.

I like minimal clothing when padding.

I've posted two photos, both with a beach ball, one in briefs (nylon Jockey Life brand) and one in very stretchy boxer briefs.

Please note on the second photo, my "panty lines". My butt is not padded, that's all me!
1 year

Best setups for padding?

I love all the all about padding. That's how I started when I was a teenager. Then, I realized that I needed to be fat in real life, so I became a gainer. I padded up until I didn't need it any more, and now I'm really FAT! : D

But I love to read how it turns others on. Fat really rocks, whether it's real or fake. It just feels so good!
1 year