
Fantasy feeder feels like home

A kink is not sexual orientation
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

Lora i don't think you read Ghosters post very well. I don't think he was saying what you think....
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

I know exactly what he said very much thank you! There's no mistaking what sexual orientation is versus a kink they are not the same thing there is no overlap they are not a substitute for each other. And straight people, especially straight men, do not get to mansplain that to a bisexual woman especially a fat one. I know what I'm talking about more than you thanks!
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

Been here for 16 years. Survived terrible mods, the Mega Man Wall of Doom, the yellow fonted British bullies of 2010-11, Brownkisser, scammers, ghosts, fakes, Snuffy, Al, Leo, Lil Moe with the gimpy leg....

Best experience I had was a FF meet up in 2009 in Long Island. That was a fun night, especially the after hours fun with my date.
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

I know exactly what he said very much thank you! There's no mistaking what sexual orientation is versus a kink they are not the same thing there is no overlap they are not a substitute for each other. And straight people, especially straight men, do not get to mansplain that to a bisexual woman especially a fat one. I know what I'm talking about more than you thanks!

Anyone can "Mansplain" anything they want to anyone, even if it's wrong. Freedom of speech is a thing, if you don't like it, you know where the door is. Relax, skippy.

Anyway. I've been a member since October 2, 2006 but I lurked around the place since its first days.

Unlike most people who claim a longer time, I can prove it. I've never ghosted, abandoned the site only to return with another name because I wasn't "sure" I've never even had a different name on here.

I've seen it all and been in the middle of most of it.

You're welcome.
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

Literally nobody asked either of you lol
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

Literally nobody asked either of you lol

You seem to not understand how public forum works.

Do I need to explain it to you? :-)
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

I'd say you would be the one who doesn't understand. Considering this is a privately owned forum whose servers are based in another country, "free speech" doesn't apply here the way you think it does. Additionally, yes, as you said, anyone can explain anything to anyone when it's wrong—which is exactly what I did. Good job! One (1) gold star for you.

I know you are so, so desperate to take me down a peg because it is the *only* attention you get from women but I ain't it.
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

I'll expect a literal gold star in the mail, five or six pounds.

As for attention from women. I do alright. But as it seems to me, you're the one derailing topics everywhere you go.

Who would have figured? Lora Dayton and I are cut from the same cloth.

Even if you're weird. I'll still appreciate having you around.

You're kind of fun, the opposite side of grim dark personality!
2 years

Fantasy feeder feels like home

Can we please keep this thread on track. Such a lovely post by the OP. We don't need it to descend into personal attacks! Let's focus on the topic at hand...

I have been a member *a few deleted accounts or 5* since 2008! I always came back and similarly feel like this place is a big part of me and it's and natural relaxing place for me to come and hang and chat with like minded people.

I've been to a few meet ups in my time, so would say that's my favourite part. It's always great meeting people you have grown fond of and made friends with and transitioning that from online to real life.
2 years
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