I started out by just wanting to be a bigger person, after deciding that I was just going to eat what I want and see what happens.
After gaining a few pounds I really enjoy the feeling of a softer and bigger belly and how my body looks and feels.
I’ve overeaten enough now to enjoy food and now look forward to big meals and snacks. Not only does it taste really good, but i like the fullness of my belly and like to keep that feeling all day.
I love feeling full, so I like to overeat. I've gained about 100 pounds since 2017. I get to eat a lot more to fill me up, but also now, I love the feel of my size. Now i get to feel good about eating and being fat.
I guess in my case I’ve always been that chubby sibling growing up. And maybe my love for a good doughnut may have something to do with that as well! 😅 But I’m alright with that.