
I wonder what percentage of people who are fat….

….are fat because they got fat because they wanted to be/get fat…, and I mean fat fat, not “chubby” or a “small fat”……

It has to be higher then others would like to admit right? At least 30-40% or is it higher like somewhere in the 60% and people just don’t talk about it.

What do you think?
2 years

I wonder what percentage of people who are fat….

On another feedist site--which shall remain nameless--only 43% of the fat people are feedees. I would expect the number to be much lower in the general population, because I wouldn't expect your average non-feedist fat person to be interested in a feedist site. I'm guessing maybe 20% at best.
2 years

I wonder what percentage of people who are fat….

As a fat man who has been fat for most of his life and who enjoys being fat and getting fatter, I have to say that I don’t consider myself a feedee. Eating big and overeating does not make me or other fat people with those habits a feedee. Feedee to me implies someone who wants to and enjoys forceful coercion and feeding by someone else. I personally do not want another person to determine my food intake. I wouldn’t even self-identify as a gainer because I don’t have gaining goals or plans. To me being fat and getting fatter is just a natural result of my eating a lot and my lifestyle.

And this is why I think the number is higher then people think it is, because most people will not admit this because it is still a taboo for them.
2 years