
Anyone else start off really small?

I weighed 166 pounds when I decided to start gaining with heavy whipping cream. I currently weigh 255 pounds, and am still gaining.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I started 135 lbs... now i'm 210 but i wanna gain more and more
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

Back when I finally got the courage to do something about it, I was only around 125 lbs and that was several years ago. Yes, I know that's horribly small. Long story how that happened. Up to about 172 now as of this writing, so that's 47 more. It's certainly been easier said than done.

I definitely like the extra mass and I feel better, but I still need more. I'd really like to get up to over 202 though I don't think I wish to stop there. It sounds arbitrary but that's the point where I'd be heavier than the average American man aged 20-59, so that'd be a certain psychological satisfaction.

As of this writing, my longer term goal is either 250, or a higher weight than my future wife, or a higher BMI than my future wife, whichever is heaviest.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I struggled w/ anorexia for ages growing up. When I finally just embraced what I wanted I weighed about 126 lbs which, at my height, was a BMI of around 18 for context. I'm 200 lbs now so... CLEARLY it's possible to move up and beyond what you think you can. lol. 😅
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I was at 233 when i was 18 years old so 10 years ago and then after i stopped playing football i had dropped 50 lbs in 5 months before i started baseball season and i did that by changing what i ate and i would join the wrestling team practices but i didnt actually wrestle i just did the conditioning and i became a different person lookswise, 10 years later and the lowest weight i had got to was 165-170 I’m up to 250-260 right now ever since the start of last year. I first started to notice a difference when i was at 190 and i have just been Gorging myself more and more since. I didn’t do it on purpose until i started outgrowing all my clothes now i only have a couple of things that fit me that I’ve had to pick up here and there it’s a struggle to find stuff that I’m comfortable in
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

Thanks for giving us Amazing info.

Tea Burn Reviews

Exipure Reviews
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

My gain has been a series of plateaus through the years. In my 20s, it was 140. In my 30s, it was 170. Here in my 40s, it’s 200 :-) Currently hovering at 200 or so and hoping I can stay above it :-) I love having a belly for my wife to stroke :-) She’s about 330, so she’s good! :-)
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I struggled w/ anorexia for ages growing up. When I finally just embraced what I wanted I weighed about 126 lbs which, at my height, was a BMI of around 18 for context. I'm 200 lbs now so... CLEARLY it's possible to move up and beyond what you think you can. lol. 😅

Awesome-sounding progress :-) You are quite lovely at your new weight!
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I've been super underweight for most of my life; about 110 pounds when I decided to commit and actually gain weight a bit over a year ago. Kinda stuck around 155-160 currently, because I didn't push myself enough lately as a hard gainer..
It just feels amazing to see my shirts being stretched around belly and lovehandles when they were always super loose before!
According to my bmi I'm actually close to being overweight, yet I still feel like a skinny fuck. 😅
I'd consider 180 pounds the minimum of an acceptable normal weight for me.
2 years
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