
Anyone else start off really small?

I’ve just recently gained up to a weight of 90 pounds. I’ve always been tiny but I’m at my heaviest now, and I LOVE it! Anyone with similar starts? What were your first weight goals? Thanks.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I was 130 lbs when I first joined FF. I was considered overweight, but I definitely wasn't happy with being that small. This was around 12 years ago. I'm now 216 lbs, but my weight has gone up and down a little bit within the past year. I'm wanting to be much bigger though, hopefully someday I'll catch up to my wife and eventually weigh more than her. (Though I'll need to gain over 140 lbs. to weigh more than her.)
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I started at around 135 pounds.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I started at 135 too!
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

Jan2021 i was 110lbs, I was on meds that caused a bit of weight gain so i was up to 130 in May, then i had a brief fling with some guy that told me he likes fat girls so "i better eat." Ive had this fetish for my whole life so that was the first time i heard that from a guy so i got comfortable and was at 150lbs by July (which marked me overweight which was my first goal) and then i evened out the year at 160, and then come January2022 i just fully committed to gaining and now i'm 193lbs!

I think starting our small is fun cause the before and afters are so drastic and your just like damn i'm a pig lol

wow, up 80+ lbs, congrats and nice work
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

Yeah I am.

I Always was a skinny guy. Four years ago I was about 65 kilograms when I started to fatten up. Now I am nearing to 100 kilos, thanks to my lifestyle, and especially a Woman feeder in my job, who put a lot of food on my desk during the day and was committed to make sure my bones will not be visible anymore and instead will be covered by fat, haha.

Also all this coronavirus situations with the lockdowns, has boosted my weight gain. Now I am eating more and more, as I embraced my new lifestyle and hope to double my weight by the next months.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

Went from 115 to 168 at 5'7". Not interested in gainer more because I feel happy with how I look now.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

Yes! I just recently started to put on some weight. I’ve been stuck at 108lbs for many, many years, but the past 2 months I’ve been trying to overeat almost every day, and now I’m suddenly at 117lbs. Not much, but I’m also only 5’3. Definitely feels good to have a little softer belly.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I started at 130ish and am a bit over 260 (currently pregnant). It has been almost five years but I have put on a huge amount of weight. I have had periods were I have lost and then regained but I have gotten huge.
The pregnancy has turned me into an utter and total pig.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

At my adult lightest I was down to an unhealthy for me 104lbs. Most of my life I coasted between 120-140.

Recently just passed 170 and want to keep going. 😁
2 years
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