
Free online workshop - cycles of shame 5

Feedists for Fat Liberation (FFL) is an international collective of like minded feedists who are dedicated to integrating fat liberation within our own feedist community while working to increase acceptance of feedism within fat liberation spaces. We believe in creating a more liberated world, and that this starts with our own community.

Join us on April 16th at 1:00pm PST/3:00pm CST/4:00pm EST as we hear stories from fellow feedists and discuss among one another how we can create a feedist community that centers fat liberation, along with possible ways to bridge the gap between the fat liberation movement and feedists.

We will dream about what a feedist community that is rooted in liberation could look like

To receive the Zoom link, please register via the following link:

We hope to see you there! Bring a fruit themed treat to snack on! I hope to bring some mini fruit pies 🍋🍎🫐🥧
2 years

Free online workshop - cycles of shame 5
2 years