Fattening others

Partner becoming fatter than you?

I'm in a similar spot. My fiance knows about how I like when she gains weight and that I'm cool with me getting chubby. I'm 6 ft and she is 5ft 1in. When we met she was 130 and I was 175.

She now has blown up to 180 and I'm 200. So she has outpaced me big time and I'm trying to gain faster so she doesn't get heavier than me. But inevitably I think she'll overtake me since she is gaining 2x faster than me.
2 years

Partner becoming fatter than you?

I'm in a similar spot. My fiance knows about how I like when she gains weight and that I'm cool with me getting chubby. I'm 6 ft and she is 5ft 1in. When we met she was 130 and I was 175.

She now has blown up to 180 and I'm 200. So she has outpaced me big time and I'm trying to gain faster so she doesn't get heavier than me. But inevitably I think she'll overtake me since she is gaining 2x faster than me.

Ayumi Orihime:
Guess why she's gaining so fast?

Ask her if she ever dieted. I bet the answer is yes, as it is the case with most girls in developed countries.

This is suck a toxic environment to live in... Wish all kinds of bodies were celebrated.

Diet culture hurts everyone, thin and fat. 😢

Before she met me she was very poor, like only ate a meal or 2 a day and go hungry asleep poor. Of course since we've been together I make sure she doesn't go without food. So I thinks it's a combination of her body isn't used to eating normally and she doesn't know how to control portions.

She never had the need to diet in the past so she doesn't know how to do it. I love her body in any state it is, but I make sure to let her know I love how she looks. But yeah she struggles with her image a lot due to the her idea of why society wants her to look.
2 years