
Getting lazy/lazier

How many of you have gotten lazy/lazier since begging your gaining journey and do you have any examples on how life has changed for you?
2 years

Getting lazy/lazier

How many of you have gotten lazy/lazier since begging your gaining journey and do you have any examples on how life has changed for you?

Wife and I have energy only for food and sex as we’ve gotten fatter through the years :-)
2 years

Getting lazy/lazier

I’d say I’ve definitely gotten lazier since I’ve started gaining, I used to be a lot more fit (180 lbs) and mobile, usually doing daily runs when I was living with family, and while yeah I was interested in gaining then, my family’s strict diet kept me from doing so. Though ever since moving in with my partner, having a rather sedentary job, and some people and friends I know who know of my appetite since I used to eat a lot from burning so many calories, I’ve put on weight (321 lbs).

My tasks have gotten shorter to where I just feel like I’d rather eat than want to do certain things. Of course I do push myself to keep myself from getting too weak since I can be prone to that pretty easily, but man does sitting back and getting bigger feel so much easier with laziness.
2 years