


Also, sincerity? If you've even seen have the private messages I have, you'd quickly realize that women are not the problem.

The guys on this site are insane and only getting worse as the years go on.

Before you start calling people fake, try to put yourself in their shoes first. You've got no idea the ocean of complete insanity the average woman has to go through on a place like this every single day.

Are there scammers, yeah sure, there always will be.

There are lots of legit women on this site, too.

Thanks for bringing this perspective.

Fake people are very annoying to me too but these types of threads tend to expose just how toxic some male members attitudes about women can be.

(Like calling women females is dehumanizing and an instant red flag for a lot of women.)

I’ve experienced/witnessed so much misogyny on this site… some of y’all are here hoping to meet women but then the majority of your comments in forums and what not are just complaints/entitlement about women and those of us who are real see that shit and that’s why we have nothing to do with you.

And fake people bother me less than the very real people in my inbox that have zero concept of consent and send messages that clearly demonstrate they don’t see me as human but a thing to project their perverted fantasies onto... Some have been genuinely disturbing and extremely uncomfortable for even me and I’m kink af.

I have rarely seen women make a post complaining about what’s in their inbox even tho I bet 100% of us have had that issue… but it feels like every time I come to the forums to see what people are talking about there’s usually a thread of men complaining about the women here.

When you treat the women who are here authentically the way that y’all do it drives them away, you realize that yeah?

Do better. ✌🏼

I like to read stuff like this to keep me from becoming like those guys. Thank you.

omg yass like I deal with that alot just because I dont send out privacy like pics and etc

oh gosh don't get me started with how many dms I get saying "hey" then immediately asking for private pics or telling me how horny I make them... Like please don't do that.

Same asking for private pics... Then if you don't give in they label you as fake or just asking for money...
Some here doesn't know what it meant to be feeder/feedee most men here wants to see you naked and do porn... And being asian/filipino without even chatting I get labeled as scammer or faker even though I had multiple sponsors and never had a problem before unless they wanted something more from me then its goodbye...
1 year


Exactly. If I hold conversations w time wasters all day I will literally get nothing done. The people who actually want to feed you will & quickly. It doesn't take hours of chatting to see if you like someone's personality.

Most of them just want free sexting
1 year


Exactly. If I hold conversations w time wasters all day I will literally get nothing done. The people who actually want to feed you will & quickly. It doesn't take hours of chatting to see if you like someone's personality.

Most of them just want free sexting

Had a guy like that last night. He was searching for a thin woman who liked fat guys and had only joined the site a few hours ago.

I was in a "mess around and find out" kinda mood, so I told him to dazzle me. Completely through off his groove now that he had to really work for it. He deleted his account not long after. Never got dazzled.

Even if you're here for the free sexting, you gotta put in some effort. I am not a vessel for someone else's pleasure.
1 year


I wonder what percentage that are real women on this site. I encounter many fake profiles, claiming to be bbw / feedee women, but in the end most turn out to be fake profiles just wanting easy money. Not hard to see through, some have no clue over the context of what genuine people are here for.
Wish there could be some general proof genuinity check besides the "verified person" that all to few women bother to fill in.
1 year


I wonder what percentage that are real women on this site. I encounter many fake profiles, claiming to be bbw / feedee women, but in the end most turn out to be fake profiles just wanting easy money. Not hard to see through, some have no clue over the context of what genuine people are here for.
Wish there could be some general proof genuinity check besides the "verified person" that all to few women bother to fill in.

Hard to say. Being a woman on this site is a ... challenge experience that most people aren't up for. Mind you, I am talking about cis-women as FF has this catch all label called "transgender" that I'm sure trans women don't find annoying at all (sarcasm).

Mind you, there are ciswomen that mislabel themselves for privacy reasons or to keep creeps out their inbox. I labeled myself as "no gender" for a few months while I explored the site bit. I had zero interaction with my profile. But the minute I updated my gender to "female" the creeps started messaging me.

Still, the best way to figure it out is to just talk to them. Generally, they have no idea act, and you can pick them out pretty quickly.

Although some people get it wrong even then. I got accused of being a man twice, but both times it was because I refuse to put pictures of myself on the internet. One guy did realize I'm a woman after talking to me a bit more (had to block him because he was a creep). And the other (a woman) got mad because she checked my profile after 5 minutes of talking to me and didn't see any face or belly pics. (She stopped talking to me after I called her out.)
1 year


I wonder what percentage that are real women on this site. I encounter many fake profiles, claiming to be bbw / feedee women, but in the end most turn out to be fake profiles just wanting easy money. Not hard to see through, some have no clue over the context of what genuine people are here for.
Wish there could be some general proof genuinity check besides the "verified person" that all to few women bother to fill in.

Hard to say. Being a woman on this site is a ... challenge experience that most people aren't up for. Mind you, I am talking about cis-women as FF has this catch all label called "transgender" that I'm sure trans women don't find annoying at all (sarcasm).

Mind you, there are ciswomen that mislabel themselves for privacy reasons or to keep creeps out their inbox. I labeled myself as "no gender" for a few months while I explored the site bit. I had zero interaction with my profile. But the minute I updated my gender to "female" the creeps started messaging me.

Still, the best way to figure it out is to just talk to them. Generally, they have no idea act, and you can pick them out pretty quickly.

Although some people get it wrong even then. I got accused of being a man twice, but both times it was because I refuse to put pictures of myself on the internet. One guy did realize I'm a woman after talking to me a bit more (had to block him because he was a creep). And the other (a woman) got mad because she checked my profile after 5 minutes of talking to me and didn't see any face or belly pics. (She stopped talking to me after I called her out.)

It's hard for me to realize how many men actually behave, as it is so far from how I interact with men and women. Though, one time, a friend (woman) showed me her inbox on a dating site we both used. I noticed that she had multiple more messages than me, but the quality was way under what I had expected. Most were comments of tits, lousy dating invitations in the first message etc. I can understand the frustration from women who try to be serious. It is also frustrating for serious men who's messages drown in the mailbox due to that. I don't ever mailbomb, if there is mutual intrest I get a reply I presume.
It is not easy to find matches on a regular dating site if one has a fetish, so there's not much to choose from except ff or feabie.
1 year


I wonder what percentage that are real women on this site. I encounter many fake profiles, claiming to be bbw / feedee women, but in the end most turn out to be fake profiles just wanting easy money. Not hard to see through, some have no clue over the context of what genuine people are here for.
Wish there could be some general proof genuinity check besides the "verified person" that all to few women bother to fill in.

Hard to say. Being a woman on this site is a ... challenge experience that most people aren't up for. Mind you, I am talking about cis-women as FF has this catch all label called "transgender" that I'm sure trans women don't find annoying at all (sarcasm).

Mind you, there are ciswomen that mislabel themselves for privacy reasons or to keep creeps out their inbox. I labeled myself as "no gender" for a few months while I explored the site bit. I had zero interaction with my profile. But the minute I updated my gender to "female" the creeps started messaging me.

Still, the best way to figure it out is to just talk to them. Generally, they have no idea act, and you can pick them out pretty quickly.

Although some people get it wrong even then. I got accused of being a man twice, but both times it was because I refuse to put pictures of myself on the internet. One guy did realize I'm a woman after talking to me a bit more (had to block him because he was a creep). And the other (a woman) got mad because she checked my profile after 5 minutes of talking to me and didn't see any face or belly pics. (She stopped talking to me after I called her out.)

It's hard for me to realize how many men actually behave, as it is so far from how I interact with men and women. Though, one time, a friend (woman) showed me her inbox on a dating site we both used. I noticed that she had multiple more messages than me, but the quality was way under what I had expected. Most were comments of tits, lousy dating invitations in the first message etc. I can understand the frustration from women who try to be serious. It is also frustrating for serious men who's messages drown in the mailbox due to that. I don't ever mailbomb, if there is mutual intrest I get a reply I presume.
It is not easy to find matches on a regular dating site if one has a fetish, so there's not much to choose from except ff or feabie.


I've been told that there used to be more women on here, but I imagine the creeps ran them off.

I'm lucky in that I'm not looking for a partner on here. While I did meet my feedee on here (whom I adore), I realize just how lucky we were to connect. He is part of a handful of decent people on here

So yeah. Women are here, but we are in the minority because of too many toxic creeps. As a result, the men on here get more desperate for some kind of female interaction. This leads the more ... opportunistic men to take advantage of the poor saps.

And from what I've seen around here, it works.
1 year


So what's the solution then? We had an old incompetent mod that would say "You know this is FANTASY Feeder right?". If the site is full of fakes, flim flammers and Methodists then what can we do about it?
1 year


I agree with all the ladies that have commented.
What really bothers me are the guys that send the same pre made message over and over.
In fact they send the same message to other women.
Then there are the guys that message you and demand you send them nude pics.
I have been on here for over a decade and the quality of men has taken a nose dive.
There are some great men on here that have been here a long time who have been super nice to me.
I left here for a few years because of a few creepers that made it unbearable to be here.
So guys don't be a creeper, please be nice we are all humans lets get along.
1 year


Reflection Of Perfection:
So what's the solution then? We had an old incompetent mod that would say, "You know this is FANTASY Feeder right?". If the site is full of fakes, flim flammers and Methodists then what can we do about it?

It's a group effort. Culture's what you make of it. You do what you can, where you can, and encourage others to join you.

As I said, the root of the issue is toxicity. It's not enough to be a decent person. You also have to push back against that behavior and encourage others to be better.

It's like they say. Be the change you want to see in the world. Take me, for example. I frequently get messages from people (mostly men) who saw my forum posts and want advice on being a better feeder/feedee/gainer. And since my advice is more holistic, the conversation inevitably shifts from "how can I get fatter or be a better feeder" to "how can I be my best self."

The topics are pretty heavy. I make them reconsider how they see this kink, women, themselves, and the world. But I can do it because I create a safe space for them. I don't judge them for how they come to me. Instead, I give them the grace, wisdom, and encouragement they need to start their journey.

Sometimes they come back later for advice. Sometimes they don't. But whatever happens, I know they have a better chance of being happier and fulfilled than before we met.
1 year
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