Fat experiences

Things you notice as you get fatter

When I need to pass someone in an aisle and I say "excuse me" they move over, and then they see me and move over a bit more. šŸ˜„
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

The first time when you have to order a larger size of jeansšŸ˜
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

For me it was seeing my double chin start to come in as well as how nice it was to let my gut out instead of keeping it sucked in
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

Since I gained weight, I noticed that itā€™s became harder to climb the stairs; my appetite grow, I eating much more, my clothes getting tight and smaller, all my pants are very tight on the hips area, and now I am getting a much noticeable double chin and I can feel it while looking down, also now I have to squeeze into my chair at the work, and not just seating on it like before.
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

some of the more noticeable changes:
-Bending over is more of a last resort nowdays
-Running is possible but it KILLS my knees
-Even just standing up for a while isn't easy- my belly is starting to really pull on my spine and my legs can't hold so much weight for very long
-I used to bike to get my food but recently I just order delivery (I'm getting kinda lazy)
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

Since I gained weight, I noticed that itā€™s became harder to climb the stairs; my appetite grow, I eating much more, my clothes getting tight and smaller, all my pants are very tight on the hips area, and now I am getting a much noticeable double chin and I can feel it while looking down, also now I have to squeeze into my chair at the work, and not just seating on it like before.
For me, climbing the stairs becomes harder, out of breath. I take the elevator. Walking turned into a waddle, my chins are much more noticeable.
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

At some point I had to start wearing my pants Over my belly because it's so heavy it hurts pushing down on a heavy fabric like jeans or a belt.
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

It's a super funny little thing that may seem kind of obvious when you think about it, but I've noticed tags in my pants and shirts which I never noticed before. As I get bigger, I have to cut out shirt tags and pants tags that never bothered me before. This is kind of mundane, but on a fun note, I love the way my love handles jiggle when I walk and the way my breasts weigh me down.
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

Iā€™ve been having to adjust my belly after sitting down, if I donā€™t my belly pushes down on other parts of my body causing discomfort
1 year

Things you notice as you get fatter

I've been noticing lately as I've gotten fatter that when I walk down stairs, I can start to feel my belly start to jiggle, especially since my weight is nearing 200 lbs. Also, my underwear seems to ride down when I sit. Of course, my belly is bulging over top of my pants. I've also started bursting out of some of my pyjama bottoms. Not to mention that I've outgrown swimsuits.
1 year
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