Feedback and suggestions

Suggestion: allow limiting search to a specific forum section or group of sections

Unless i’m missing something (which is possible), Search for the forums is only available at the top level, not within a given forum section.

Most commercial “bulletin board” software like XenForo (used by Dimensions), phpBB, Jelsoft, etc. allow many search options, including searching in one or more subsections, only searching titles or also post content, and more.

All of that might be too much or even unnecessary, but how about some way to limit search to one or several selected forum sections?

There could be a Search option within each section, which would automatically limit searching to that one forum section.

It would be nice for the main Search at the forum top level to have a selector mechanism able to select any one or more sections, maybe defaulting to All as it currently is, so a user would de-select/re-select if they want less than All sections searched.

I’m willing to collect screenshots of this in action from other systems and send those to the site owner or FF Team if that would be helpful.
1 year

Suggestion: allow limiting search to a specific forum section or group of sections

Thanks for the suggestion. Improving the forum search is something that's been on our list of things to do for a while. The way I see it working is the current search stays as it is, but a new search button is added to each forum, and these search buttons will search the current forum only (as you suggest). A filter by username may also be relatively easy to do, since this is already possible but clicking the posts button on a member's profile.
1 year