
Anyone else going to the las vegas mega bash, july 2022?

Only 2 days away as i type this. Just found out today i’d be able to go. Got the pass, booked the room, but no transportation yet.

Anyone from/going through metro Los Angeles near or passing by Pasadena with space for a slender freaky FA and luggage? Would love to ride share/contribute towards fuel rather than rent a car, if you’re going for the full Tuesday through Sunday near-week. Let me know ASAP if this is an option. By sometime Monday i likely will have a rental and might possibly be able to reverse the favor if our schedules mesh.

For those who don’t already know, here’s the link to the Las Vegas Mega Bash 2022 site (trust me that everything from “here’s” to “site” is a hyperlink, even though the red highlighting indicating such seems to have disappeared again).

There’s a whole other one in Las Vegas in August i just read about on Feabie, for which i lack the time and money to attend, but you might want to know about and might prefer.

(aside from my transportation request,) Anyone else here going to this forthcoming July event?
1 year

Anyone else going to the las vegas mega bash, july 2022?

I would love to attend one of these events someday. I hope you manage get transport sorted, and have the best time! Take pics and share so it feels like I am there please!!!
1 year

Anyone else going to the las vegas mega bash, july 2022?

I would love to attend one of these events someday. I hope you manage get transport sorted, and have the best time! Take pics and share so it feels like I am there please!!!

Thank you!

Here’s what’s funny: i have a brand new iPhone, specifically for this trip, but i’ve never carried an actual modern multifunction handheld device around before, so i’m on a huge learning curve. Pics might be taken if i remember, but unless i post here on FF (which i figured out how to do on mobile last night), they may be delayed. Guess that means i have to post here 😁.
1 year