Extreme obesity

Fattest person you've ever dated/met

Dated- around 326 pounds
Fattest-Pass 600
1 year

Fattest person you've ever dated/met

It's the person I'm in love with!

She's made me more of an extreme feeder.
I thought making someone as fat as possible was just a fantasy, but unrealistic and possibly a tragic turn-off.

Then I watched her get so huge she needs help with things, and it's adorable and I love helping her out when she has a "fat girl moment."

About 4"10 and reaching 350 pounds.
1 year

Fattest person you've ever dated/met

Back in fifth grade there was an obese boy. Unfortunately not in my class. But every day that I saw him, I couldn't stop gazing at him. Even at that age he weighed over two hundred pounds. My mother saw me looking at him and told me not to stay away from him. I guess she thought that I might be influenced by his lifestyle.
1 year

Fattest person you've ever dated/met

My ex gf ahe was 5ft 1 and 1/2in when we dated 400lbs and after we broke up 422lbs she was rude lude and very unhealthy plus i am diabetic and she kept feeding starches and sugars
1 year

Fattest person you've ever dated/met

Dated - 475 (at least)

Met - What's Echo up to now?
1 year

Fattest person you've ever dated/met

Fattest person I met what a guy who weighed around 550 lbs at the time. I would love to meet someone bigger
1 year

Fattest person you've ever dated/met

My wife weighed about 400lbs. 5 foot 1 and did nothing but sit at home ear and watch tv all day. Unfortunately she developed diabetes didn't take her medications and died when she was 40. If she had taken her medication she would still be around and much bigger now. still haven't found a replacement.
1 year

Fattest person you've ever dated/met

Damn that's a real shame.

I have Type 1 myself and just survived a real nasty attack of ketoacidosis. Ironically my big fat girl is the healthy one, and her health actually keeps improving as she gets fatter- even if it's making mobility inconvenient for her.

Not that she cares.
1 year