Chat/Role play

Tease me

Tease me about how round my belly has gotten and how my gut is blowing up like a balloon. Tell me how soon I’ll have to be rolled around if I keep blimping up at the rate I am with all of it going straight to my belly.
1 year

Tease me

Soon, you'll simply be too big and soft to be rolled around. Rolls will just swallow any hands that try to move your massive bod. You'll be rounder than you are tall, more a cake shape than a ball.
1 year

Tease me

When you don't stop eating like that, you will not only have no clothes that fit any more. You will also have no furniture any more because your lard ass is crushing anything. But after your couch collapsed, you can't even stand up, and you will just lie there and can't even look over your tubby body.
1 year

Tease me

Oh you have gotten much too fat. Your belly is so round you look like you swallowed a beach ball. You must not realize how big you are or you’d surely diet. We’ll have to roll you away from the buffet, tubby.
1 year

Tease me

Opening this thread back up because I’m stuffed more than I have ever been in my life. Look and my most recent pic and tease me for how massive my belly has gotten and the fact I’ve put on 100 lbs in a year
1 year

Tease me

My dream, which probably won't be much more is to be transformed from handsome vain and fit, to waddling pig!
1 year

Tease me

How is it possible for someone to gain so much in one year? I'd say that you've let yourself go, but that's not true, is it? Nobody gets so fucking fat from just letting themselves go, no; you've been stuffing yourself deliberately, haven't you? Not just once or twice every few weeks, it's really just a part of your routine at this point, isn't it? You're addicted to the feeling, you're beyond any sort of parameters imposed by self-control; you've gone well past event horizon, and you're going to keep growing until you're too big to move that fat ass of yours. That's just so adorably pathetic.
1 year

Tease me

How is it possible for someone to gain so much in one year? I'd say that you've let yourself go, but that's not true, is it? Nobody gets so fucking fat from just letting themselves go, no; you've been stuffing yourself deliberately, haven't you? Not just once or twice every few weeks, it's really just a part of your routine at this point, isn't it? You're addicted to the feeling, you're beyond any sort of parameters imposed by self-control; you've gone well past event horizon, and you're going to keep growing until you're too big to move that fat ass of yours. That's just so adorably pathetic.
1 year

Tease me

gaining a 100 pounds makes you the real deal. A land whale, lard ass extra wide. Got your own zipcode and all.

congrats on the flab, but I'm pretty sure it's not gonna stop here
1 year

Tease me

Keep eating, flabby...
One day you'll grow fatter than me.
1 year
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