Lifestyle tips

I am thinking of using estrogens to feminize myself and to make my breasts and butt grow more, w

The biggest risks however. Are not being happy despite going through with it. And permanently disrupting your endocrine system.

There are a few mtf who actually did not have any of their psychological/body discomforts/dismorphias fixed by HRT. And there's actually a LOT of backlash and hate present for being a MTF who regrets transitioning. It's rare but if you're one of those people you will ironically find a huge lack of support and get hate for talking about it.

When you're on hormones long enough. Most people will never be able to return to normal on their own with their own hormone production.

I.e. you take esteogen and androgen blockers, you 100% regret it after a year for whatever reason. You now have to take testosterone to have normal testosterone levels again.

You will become permanently dependant on hormones to have youthful levels, until you decide to "age" and stop taking them as you yet much older.

Some things like your hips have been shown to continue to grow throughout your life but this is a painfully slow process. HrT won't change your frame significantly. It won't remove your Adam's apple. It won't remove your wide shoulders. It won't fix any structural issues relating to growth during puberty. It'll change where you deposit fat. But Ultimately you're still going to look more masculine than if you were born a female.

Breast growth is permanent and after many monthes requires surgery to reverse.

These are all serious things. If you're just sexually turned on by the idea. How are you going to feel after you get off? Alienated by your own body, disgusted? Are you going to feel comfortable, normal, happy?

Alot if people want to do it because the idea is hot. But the reality is miserable and the changes some of them permanent.

Also if you're seeing like dream girls on instagram with your "ideal" breasts and butts. Keep in mind that there's a huge variety in female shapes that come down genetics. There are women with high estrogen who have masculine shapes, small butts, small breast growth. Just because your HRT doesn't mean you'll look how you want or will ever have your ideal shape.

Women fly to Brazil for cheap risky surgery just because they aren't happy with their shapes just as men take alot of steroids because they aren't happy with theirs.

The only point I'm trying to make is, you need to think about this alot. And you need to fully realize and accept that you might be 100% unhappy with how you physically look despite doing HRT. And there's the strong possibility you will not get what you want.

Your biggest indicator of how your feminized body will look, is to look at the women of your family. And also their breast size. As MTF your growth will most likely be a size or two smaller than theirs at best.
1 year

I am thinking of using estrogens to feminize myself and to make my breasts and butt grow more, w

First off, no it really isn’t easy to get on hormones. You have to see a therapist for a bit and then schedule a appointment with a endocrinologist. Second off, people who detransition are a rare case and even then most of the time it’s due to their living situation. The ones that are vocal about it are usually transphobic, that’s where the “hate” comes from by the way. They believe that since it didn’t work for them, then it wouldn’t work for everyone else and spread lies to the politicians and public which makes society hate us even more and then lawmakers start targeting trans people making disgusting laws. Also cis women’s breasts come in different sizes. And if a trans woman wishes to have a bigger chest, she can get surgery. Bottom line is, anyone who’s questioning their gender needs to talk to a therapist before making big decisions. Also there’s one thing that the feedees in the community has in common with the trans community, body autonomy. We both want to do what makes us feel comfortable in our own bodies without interference from others.
1 year
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