
Perks of being fat

I think the biggest perk I’ve noticed is that people are a bit more willing to help you out and do tasks that are a bit easier for them as opposed to you doing them, particularly in the work environment.
1 year

Perks of being fat

Hmm. i agree with your thoughts.
1 year

Perks of being fat

never hungry and you blend into a crowd really easily.

Morbidly A Beast:
I disagree entirely! Since gaining weight I’ve become completely insatiable, even after eating what I once thought was a large meal, and frankly I can’t help to notice I’m the biggest person in most rooms/crowds hard not to go unnoticed.

I agree. I feel like I stick out like a morbidly obese thumb at gatherings, and I'm never far from my stomach grumbling for more food. People always want to make sure I've had enough to eat at buffet style events as well.
1 year

Perks of being fat

What are some perks of being fat?

I’m very warm in winter and great to cuddle
1 year

Perks of being fat

Feedmesqueezeme: very warm in winter


We can get away with a sweatshirt and a long sleeve while people shiver in heavy coats lol
1 year
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