Video performers

Faceless eating videos

Hi All,

I’m looking at making some videos stuffing myself to share within the community but I’m not looking to be identified in them so don’t want to show a face. Anyone have any tips to producing said videos and do you think people would be interested in them?

2 years

Faceless eating videos

Hi All,

I’m looking at making some videos stuffing myself to share within the community but I’m not looking to be identified in them so don’t want to show a face. Anyone have any tips to producing said videos and do you think people would be interested in them?


If you look at belly stuffing videos on YouTube, most people on there don't show their face. My favorite gainer is Daniel Keaton (sadly no longer active), and he never showed his face.
2 years

Faceless eating videos

I don't show my face in my videos, and it's usually easy enough to just crop my head out of the frame. It's not like anyone really cares about much other than my belly anyway.

On the occasion that it isn't practical to do that, I have a domino mask I wear over my eyes.
2 months

Faceless eating videos

Out of curiosity, what's the best place/method of sharing these kinds of videos? My focus is more on my own body but more recently people have really reacted well to me sharing in certain online communities and I'd also be curious about trying something similar to this topic, I'm just not sure where to best reach an audience.
1 month

Faceless eating videos

Captain Cake:
Out of curiosity, what's the best place/method of sharing these kinds of videos? My focus is more on my own body but more recently people have really reacted well to me sharing in certain online communities and I'd also be curious about trying something similar to this topic, I'm just not sure where to best reach an audience.

Tumblr would be my suggestion.
1 month

Faceless eating videos

Captain Cake:
Out of curiosity, what's the best place/method of sharing these kinds of videos? My focus is more on my own body but more recently people have really reacted well to me sharing in certain online communities and I'd also be curious about trying something similar to this topic, I'm just not sure where to best reach an audience.

Tumblr would be my suggestion.

Yeah, tumblr is the right place, and most chances you get more followers then in other places, I mean you’ll find there a lot of interested people in your videos.
3 weeks