Fat experiences

Being fat for and against

what weight for and against
1 year

Being fat for and against

I don't understand the question. Are you asking for the pros and cons of getting fat?
1 year

Being fat for and against

1 year

Being fat for and against

Boy howdy. You sure are a chatty one.

Lemme ask you this. Are you trying to decide if you what to gain weight? If so, why are you asking internet strangers?
1 year

Being fat for and against

I can’t really give a list of pros and cons of being a fat person, all I can say is that it felt right and part of me. Like those kind of pros and cons are sort of dismissing to the existence of fat people.
1 year

Being fat for and against

Morbidly A Beast:
I can’t really give a list of pros and cons of being a fat person, all I can say is that it felt right and part of me. Like those kind of pros and cons are sort of dismissing to the existence of fat people.

Some people forget fat people exist outside of kink. It's like asking "What are the pros and cons of being muscular? Slim?"

It's a loaded question that removes humanity from the subject in question. Literally objectifying.

A better question would be "Should I get fat?" And unfortunately, that is a very subjective answer.
1 year

Being fat for and against

Boy howdy. You sure are a chatty one.

Lemme ask you this. Are you trying to decide if you what to gain weight? If so, why are you asking internet strangers?

I have been wondering about gaining for a long time
1 year

Being fat for and against

It's almost impossible to weigh the pros and cons without specific weight goals. Pros and cons of gaining 25lbs is a whole different list than the pros and cons of gaining 100lbs.

Try it. If you like it, continue. If you don't like it, stop.
1 year

Being fat for and against

For Her, she didn't have a choice.

She just kept gaining weight no matter what, but her health improved as she got fatter. She hated it until she found me, and I taught her to love getting huge.
1 year