
How to make someone fat without them noticing

I had one person who was a feeder I met from these types of sites that jokingly made a comment about putting something in my drink. I stopped talking to them. They made the comment after we met up, she fed me, and this was the next day. They admitted it was a joke.

I've heard stories of people trying to manipulate food or add stuff to it and it absolutely gives me nightmares. I had one potential feeder I was talking to tell me she wanted to drug me so i didn't realize what was going on. That's the type of shit that gives all involved in this a bad name.

I think there is a definite line between enabling or influencing verses doing things without consent which is wrong.

Ordering extra food for delivery, keeping the house well stocked with food and snacks, buying new items from the store to try that might be more fattening, or surprising your feedee/significant other with their favorite coffee or ice cream in my opinion seems pretty harmless. Asking them if they'd rather stay in and order pizza and watch Netflix instead of going to the gym. Buying a lite and a regular version of the same type of beer. Buying things in bulk. Encouraging and enabling is okay in my opinion. It's still their choice to decide if they want it or want to consume it. Its transparent and in plain sight. Every feeder in the history of feeding has done something enabling like that.

I'm personally more into enthusiastic consent. Unless the person explicitly wants me to fatten them up, I won't do anything.

I also really, really like begging. Just does it for me.

Ever have a feedee say "Please, please fatten me up mistress/master. I've been a very good pig for you?" Ain't nothing else like it.
1 year
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