
How to get visceral fat?

I want a really big stomach and fat related health issues so I would really like some advice on how to increase visceral fat.
1 year

How to get visceral fat?

Ok I really hope you thought this through and through but. Alcohol, it's so easy. Drinking 4-5 beers a day can give you quite the firm beer belly you might be looking for since that adds up daily amount of calories needed on top of whatever other stuffing you do. I always tend to eat much more when tipsy like that as well. Especially drinking (and eating!!) shortly before going to sleep will make calories store as fat much faster.
1 year

How to get visceral fat?

Decently to smart or healthy, but any way how am I to judge.
Getting that massiv gut, first ist faint fast, visceral fat is produced faster than subcutaneous.
Still depends, on how you body’s takes it.

So packing it on fast, so eating lots of sugar(simple or fruit) and fat. Stuff you self silly everyday.

Plus beer or alcohol in general is also super high in calories and overlods the TCA cycle. But becarlefull don’t drink everyday for longer periods.
But 4 weeks should be possible.
So maybe change 4 week massiv stuffing 8-12 week maintainece

So no Alc eating healthier but maintains the packed on pounds
1 year

How to get visceral fat?

thanks for the advice because id like to gain more deep belly fat for my beer belly
1 year

How to get visceral fat?

Eat processed foods, eat snack cakes and other foods high in sugar. Be sure to drink lots of soda, beer and energy drinks. Fast food is full of junk to make you gain visceral fat. I’m currently gaining visceral fat myself and I eat lots of junk and drink lots of soda.
1 year