Lifestyle tips

Gaining whilst remaining active

So I’m finally indulging my fetish fully (plus medication side effects not giving me a choice when it comes to gaining). I want to keep doing fencing as I gain. Even if I become less effective over time. Is this a valid option?
1 year

Gaining whilst remaining active

So I’m finally indulging my fetish fully (plus medication side effects not giving me a choice when it comes to gaining). I want to keep doing fencing as I gain. Even if I become less effective over time. Is this a valid option?

Of course! If you want to be active, be active! There are tons of fat people who are active. No reason why you can't be one of them.
1 year

Gaining whilst remaining active

That’s my plan!!!! Honestly fit yet thick people make me envious.
1 year

Gaining whilst remaining active

That’s my plan!!!! Honestly fit yet thick people make me envious.

Lol, that's me. Not fat by an stretch of the imagination, but you can tell I don't skip meals.

I think you mean fit yet fat.
1 year

Gaining whilst remaining active

There’s even a sportswear brand tailored for it:
1 year

Gaining whilst remaining active

So I’m finally indulging my fetish fully (plus medication side effects not giving me a choice when it comes to gaining). I want to keep doing fencing as I gain. Even if I become less effective over time. Is this a valid option?

If you want to give it a try, it's valid automatically! I was a fencer in high school and a little in college and went to clubs some evenings who had people of all ages. There were definitely people of all different body types doing it. Including fat, muscle thick, and everything in between.

You may want to add some lower
body strength training if you're not already doing it to keep your knees from taking the impact of lunges ... and to keep you nimble with your added girth!
1 year

Gaining whilst remaining active

I do weight lifting twice a week, 30 minutes of medium intensity cardio 2-3 times a week and 5km walks almost every day.

At the same time I've gone from 175lbs to 212lbs with mostly fat gains (and still going). I'm fatter than most of my friends yet have way better aerobic endurance than them plus some nice muscle mass underneath the fat to support my activity.

Being fat and fit is definitely doable, though there's no getting around the fact that it WILL get harder as you get heavier. I highly recommend taking gaining breaks and maintaining periodically to give yourself time to build endurance and strength at new weights before getting heavier.
1 year

Gaining whilst remaining active

As a few have ready mentioned it's absolutely possible. I go for almost daily walks, do sets of squats and lunges at least 3 times a week (gotta keep the legs strong enough to carry myself around), and do a lot of stretching and mobility exercises. Remaining mobile and independent as I gain is important to me, so I'd rather slow down or even pause my gaining to maintain it.

Do whatever feels good for you.
1 year

Gaining whilst remaining active

Thank you all for the feedback. Being fat and fit sounds super fun so I’ll keep on gaining!!!!
1 year

Gaining whilst remaining active

It’s hard to gain weight in general, but keep eating
1 year
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