Fat experiences

Fat belly but small boobs

What do you think about it when woman is quite chubby it fat with big belly, thighs and fat ass but still very small boobs?
It happened to my girlfriend, she always has small boobs, gained quite a lot, doubled the weight but boobs didn't grow almost at all. She doesn't like the gain and boobs make it even worse for her unfortunately but I like her boobs very much so she feels better being appreciated all the time ❤️
Did you have such experience?
1 year

Fat belly but small boobs

What do you think about it when woman is quite chubby it fat with big belly, thighs and fat ass but still very small boobs?
It happened to my girlfriend, she always has small boobs, gained quite a lot, doubled the weight but boobs didn't grow almost at all. She doesn't like the gain and boobs make it even worse for her unfortunately but I like her boobs very much so she feels better being appreciated all the time ❤️
Did you have such experience?

Cishet muscular woman here. I can't personally relate or comment on physical attraction. But all bodies are valid and beautiful. I'm sorry to hear she isn't happy with her body. I hope be one day - whether it's being happy with the body she has or losing weight.

It's good that you find her attractive and shower her with affection.
1 year

Fat belly but small boobs

This made me tear up a bit😭 you described me.
I was lucky enough to date a woman who enjoyed letting go and piled on a bunch of weight while we were together. She gained everywhere except her chest, so she had a beautiful pear shape with an adorable belly and nice thick hips, but would sometimes lament that her breasts never benefited from all of the extra calories.

I thought she was SMOKING hot at every size of our relationship, including her chest, and tried to always show her how attractive I felt she was.

I know she appreciated the attention and often mentioned how much she loved just being "free" with food and her weight, but no matter what I said or did - she still was unhappy with her chest. I could never fully convince her otherwise.

And I came to learn - that was her right. She was completely entitled to feel however she wanted to feel about herself, no matter how much I wished she would see herself the way that I saw her - stunning in every way.

So, I continued to compliment her but I gave up trying to change her mind about her chest. It was a matter of genetics and mindset.

To answer your question - I think that any person who consents to gain because they enjoy it and feel good about how it makes them feel is FAR more attractive on the whole than any singular body part that does or doesn't fatten up as a result of their choice. smiley


From what I've seen of you, you are very pretty - objectively speaking.
1 year

Fat belly but small boobs

Speaking of not liking your body I was the same way.
My boobs were the only way to tell if I was a girl or not because I was so skinny.
I hated not having any curves as I went thru school.
Same feeling just a different part of the body.
Loving yourself is a much better place to be.
1 year

Fat belly but small boobs

Speaking of not liking your body I was the same way.
My boobs were the only way to tell if I was a girl or not because I was so skinny.
I hated not having any curves as I went thru school.
Same feeling just a different part of the body.
Loving yourself is a much better place to be.

Definitely agree with your conclusion there :-)
1 year