Fat experiences

Too big for a bath.

Lol I broke my bath. Well it cracked under my weight.
1 year

Too big for a bath.

Lol I broke my bath. Well it cracked under my weight.


How much do you weigh, sir? Asking for a friend.
1 year

Too big for a bath.

Lol I broke my bath. Well it cracked under my weight.


How much do you weigh, sir? Asking for a friend.

Ah almost 450lbs. 😁😅
1 year

Too big for a bath.

Recently I wanted to relax and have a bubble bath but when I sat down in the bathtub I found out I was too fat felt good honestly.

I totally relate outgrowing stuff is a turn on even if it can be a problem as well.
1 year

Too big for a bath.

I've been too tall (long?) for most tubs for a long time, but the last time I used one, my gut rubbed both sides and my back fat suction-cupped on the back of the tub.
1 year
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