
Skin feels super soft and warm

I’ve been binging the last few days on heavy cream, canola oil, and ice cream. I noticed I finally grew my first fat roll on my tummy. It feels super soft and really warm. Is this a normal feeling to get when gaining? I love the smoothness of the skin
1 year

Skin feels super soft and warm

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I’ve been binging the last few days on heavy cream, canola oil, and ice cream. I noticed I finally grew my first fat roll on my tummy. It feels super soft and really warm. Is this a normal feeling to get when gaining? I love the smoothness of the skin

Super common. High fat diets do lead to excess seabum production as the body struggles to do something with all of the fat you'v3 consumed. And, expessially if your skin care game is weak, this will lead to softer skin. Be careful, though. If you do it for too long, you may get acne breakouts.

As for the warmth, it's a two fold thing. Fat is insulating, so any warmth you have will stay in you longer. The other reason is your body is working extremely hard to process all that fat you've been consuming.

It also seems like you are gaining subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin). As your body creates new fat cells, it also creates new capularies for the blood to reach it. That blood makes everything warm.
1 year

Skin feels super soft and warm

Very interesting. Thank you for the information! smiley
1 year