Fat experiences

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I was really fit and active a few years ago, having now gained around 150lbs it’s crazy how different life is. I started noticing the difference around the 50lb mark.

Now I can’t imagine being able to just run up the stairs without thinking about it like I used to!

*Relate* I’m surprised how fast I’ve gotten out of shape. I used to run most days, but have gained over 100 lbs and haven’t exercised in almost 2 years. I now drive everywhere and ride the shuttle to class instead of walking. I need to do something about it, but have been so busy with school and running is now really uncomfortable.
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I used to be a college athlete before I got hurt. Now I can’t even make it up a flight of stairs without getting winded. I’ve put on 34 pounds in 5 months since my injury and I love it. My abs are gone without a trace and every worried comment I get only makes me even hungrier. I love watching my athletic body turn into a big, fat ball of lard and being teased about it
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I used to be a college athlete before I got hurt. Now I can’t even make it up a flight of stairs without getting winded. I’ve put on 34 pounds in 5 months since my injury and I love it. My abs are gone without a trace and every worried comment I get only makes me even hungrier. I love watching my athletic body turn into a big, fat ball of lard

I used to be an athlete, and would be rock singer!!!
A vain pretty boy.
Now bloated over weight and aroused by being called a pig!!!!!
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I was really fit and active a few years ago, having now gained around 150lbs it’s crazy how different life is. I started noticing the difference around the 50lb mark.

Now I can’t imagine being able to just run up the stairs without thinking about it like I used to!

This is a great observation. A decade ago I used be able to easily run multiple miles and now I will drive around looking for a close parking spot forever so I don't have too long of a walk!
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

One of the most striking differences in feel is how parts of my body that used to be separate now easily touch. I used to have a slight thigh gap, but now my thighs are always touching at their top 6”. I sleep on my side, and I used to have to carefully position my legs for sleeping so that my bony knees and ankles wouldn’t knock into each other, but I haven’t worried about that in quite a while as my knees are now well-cushioned


While I am not "fat" at 5'6 and ~140lb, I have lost a lot of muscle and gained a lot of fat in the last year, for a net increase of 25lb or so. (For context, a few years ago, I was 115 lb, had visible abs, v-lines, and clear vascularity in my arms and calves, all due to an endocrine disorder. I am a woman and have never worked out or taken steroids lol).

My inner knees used to bump together uncomfortably when sleeping on my side, but now that my thighs are much fuller, the bones don't bump anymore. In general there is more flesh squishing other flesh, rather than bone bumping on bone. And the jiggle definitely favors certain body parts, namely ass and thighs.

There used to be far more tension in my muscles, so that my abs remained mildly flexed all the time, holding me in like a corset. Now, I have to remind myself to hold my belly in, and it is doughy rather than hard.

I once had an MRI of my abdomen, and the radiology report indicated that my lack of visceral fat had caused the scan to render poorly, and that I would need a CT instead. These days, the MRI would have no trouble.

While my weight gain was not extreme, I am significantly "larger" all around due to the replacement of muscle with more voluminous fat. Occasionally my ass/hips bump into things that I assumed were farther away lol.

Since I am carrying a higher ratio of inert weight, I feel heavier on my feet, have less stamina, get out of breath more easily etc.

My skin feels tighter. Sometimes, I can tell exactly when I've gotten a bit fatter because the skin on my cheeks, jawline, and upper arms tingles with stretching. That is a cue to weigh myself. Cheekbones and masseters used to define the contour of my face; now my cheeks are full. My jawline has become fuller/rounder and I have a slight double chin.

In general, I feel like i'm made out of heavy, expanding dough rather than airy sinew and bone. Less freedom and control of movement, more impotently filling up space.

I'm still hiding my body and don't want to face family or friends lol. I'm sure they'd notice.

The more confident in your body you become, the less you’ll want to hide it smiley
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I must say, everything feels kinda more comfortable. I don't mean the clothes that don't fit anymore, I mean just sitting down, letting the belly hang out when unbuttoning the pants, the different kind of love that's received from the closest. I could go on but... it made me hungry.
1 year

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

Use to be fit, and in decent shape. Now have a beer belly that hangs over my pants clothes are snugger n get comments
10 months

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

the first 25 pounds made me panic internally, and I started trying to workout twice as long to try and get ahead of the weight that seemed to show up overnight. I got injured in the middle of my attempts to re-tone my body, and that's what really sealed my fate. I'm now 35 lbs. heavier and it's looking like it's only going up from here. I don't think about the gym much these days.
9 months

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I have just started, and I have only gained a couple of lbs but I will update in this post my experience… So far I have started to feel sluggish and lazy from being too full 24/7…
I am beginning to lose my muscle definition and tone… I can finally pinch a bit of fat on my abdomen, and my v taper is getting s hint of love handles…
The more I eat and stuff the more I feel hungry and obsessed…
Cant wait to see what comes next!
9 months

What does it feel like to go from fit to fat?

I have just started, and I have only gained a couple of lbs but I will update in this post my experience… So far I have started to feel sluggish and
9 months
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