
What foods do you "inhale"?

Not really food, but heavy cream. The taste and mouth feel doesnt bother me like it does for some. I like it actually. I can chug it easily. I do limit myself and spread it out through the day so I don't drink too much that my body can't digest it. If I had the extra money to keep my fridge stocked with heavy cream... I'd be gigantic lol.
1 year

What foods do you "inhale"?

Pizza, cake, ice cream and milkshakes. I love ice cream so that and milkshakes go very fast whenever I have them.
1 year

What foods do you "inhale"?

Oh. Where do I start. Waffles (can devour twelve at one sitting.), Melted ice cream. Hotdogs, cupcakes, doughnuts, pizza, anything with pasta. The list is just too long.
1 year
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