
New weight loss drug

Recently I've been seeing a bunch of news articles about a new weight loss drug called Wegovy.

From what I understand this is an appetite suppressant that makes people lose a lot of weight, and they call it a "miracle drug".

I'm worried that this thing will seriously reduce our dating pool, given that most people want to lose weight.

I really hope that these articles are overblowing this. A future without fat people is very depressing to me.
1 year

New weight loss drug

Recently I've been seeing a bunch of news articles about a new weight loss drug called Wegovy.

From what I understand this is an appetite suppressant that makes people lose a lot of weight, and they call it a "miracle drug".

I'm worried that this thing will seriously reduce our dating pool, given that most people want to lose weight.

I really hope that these articles are overblowing this. A future without fat people is very depressing to me.

What a weird thing to be worried about. Fat people who want to be fat aren't going anywhere. Anyone who takes a weight loss drug and loses the weight probably didn't want to be fat or fattened up in the first place. So, at most, all you're losing is eye candy.

Also, Wegovy isn't as much of a miracle drug as you think it is. Yes, it works. However, not everyone can handle it. Nausea, dizziness, and fatigue are common symptoms. It's an injection, so some people won't even bother considering taking it. Plus, if you stop taking it, you gain the weight back

So, I highly doubt that every fat person in the world is going to suddenly be slim.
1 year

New weight loss drug

I can't help but wonder if there will come a day when fat people are forced to take such drugs.
1 year

New weight loss drug

I can't help but wonder if there will come a day when fat people are forced to take such drugs.

What kind of dystopian novels have you been reading lately? We don't do that for any other medical condition. So why would we do this for obesity?

There are so many amazing medications variety of things. However, we do not force people to take these medications as a blanket thing to do. Why? Because it would be unwise.

Often, whatever medical condition a person has can be resolved with lifestyle changes. However, if that doesn't work, then the doctor may supplement other things as well. Sometimes, it's medication. Sometimes it's something else. However, since not all patients are created equally, they may not be candidates for specific treatments for a variety of reasons. Adding to that, you can refuse the treatment.

This doesn't even consider the economic, legal, and ethical reasons why no one is going to force every fat person to take medication and lose weight. Yet, Y'all are worrying over nothing.
1 year

New weight loss drug

I can't help but wonder if there will come a day when fat people are forced to take such drugs.


What kind of dystopian novels have you been reading lately? We don't do that for any other medical condition. So why would we do this for obesity?

There are so many amazing medications variety of things. However, we do not force people to take these medications as a blanket thing to do. Why? Because it would be unwise.

Often, whatever medical condition a person has can be resolved with lifestyle changes. However, if that doesn't work, then the doctor may supplement other things as well. Sometimes, it's medication. Sometimes it's something else. However, since not all patients are created equally, they may not be candidates for specific treatments for a variety of reasons. Adding to that, you can refuse the treatment.

This doesn't even consider the economic, legal, and ethical reasons why no one is going to force every fat person to take medication and lose weight. Yet, Y'all are worrying over nothing.

Over the past two years, people have been fired and so on for refusing to take Covid vaccine. I myself took it, but there you go -- people being forced to take a particular drug.
1 year

New weight loss drug

I can't help but wonder if there will come a day when fat people are forced to take such drugs.


What kind of dystopian novels have you been reading lately? We don't do that for any other medical condition. So why would we do this for obesity?

There are so many amazing medications variety of things. However, we do not force people to take these medications as a blanket thing to do. Why? Because it would be unwise.

Often, whatever medical condition a person has can be resolved with lifestyle changes. However, if that doesn't work, then the doctor may supplement other things as well. Sometimes, it's medication. Sometimes it's something else. However, since not all patients are created equally, they may not be candidates for specific treatments for a variety of reasons. Adding to that, you can refuse the treatment.

This doesn't even consider the economic, legal, and ethical reasons why no one is going to force every fat person to take medication and lose weight. Yet, Y'all are worrying over nothing.

Over the past two years, people have been fired and so on for refusing to take Covid vaccine. I myself took it, but there you go -- people being forced to take a particular drug.

Are you comparing obesity to a global pandemic? Because that's what that sounds like.
1 year

New weight loss drug

Recently I've been seeing a bunch of news articles about a new weight loss drug called Wegovy.

From what I understand this is an appetite suppressant that makes people lose a lot of weight, and they call it a "miracle drug".

I'm worried that this thing will seriously reduce our dating pool, given that most people want to lose weight.

I really hope that these articles are overblowing this. A future without fat people is very depressing to me.

Looking at your profile, it says you're 22 years old. That's not quite long enough to start noticing trends firsthand, and often times folks aren't always aware of history.

I don't know if I'd worry about that too much yet. Many of these things came and went over the years. Whether there's "miracle" pills, or atrocious fad diets.

If you want to read about something gruesome, you can read up on another weight loss drug called Fen Phen. While it did increase weight loss by suppressing appetite, it caused high rates of heart problems and death so it was taken off the market in '97 and resulted in billions in legal judgements. I remember how very spirited a lot of posts on Dimensions (the only real feederism game in town in the late 90s) were in the late 90s regarding Fen Phen, and the anger it inspired.

Other fads that failed - sugar free foods, fat free foods.. remember when folks thought fat in food was supposed to be bad? Now it's carbs.

I just hope this won't end in the same tragic outcome that Fen Phen did, because that was ugly.

For the last 70 years, at least, obesity and waistlines have continued to expand almost everywhere, except North Korea. This is in spite of all the various anti-fat trends and whatever else. I don't see that ending any time soon.
1 year

New weight loss drug

I can't help but wonder if there will come a day when fat people are forced to take such drugs.


What kind of dystopian novels have you been reading lately? We don't do that for any other medical condition. So why would we do this for obesity?

There are so many amazing medications variety of things. However, we do not force people to take these medications as a blanket thing to do. Why? Because it would be unwise.

Often, whatever medical condition a person has can be resolved with lifestyle changes. However, if that doesn't work, then the doctor may supplement other things as well. Sometimes, it's medication. Sometimes it's something else. However, since not all patients are created equally, they may not be candidates for specific treatments for a variety of reasons. Adding to that, you can refuse the treatment.

This doesn't even consider the economic, legal, and ethical reasons why no one is going to force every fat person to take medication and lose weight. Yet, Y'all are worrying over nothing.

Over the past two years, people have been fired and so on for refusing to take Covid vaccine. I myself took it, but there you go -- people being forced to take a particular drug.

Are you comparing obesity to a global pandemic? Because that's what that sounds like.

I'm not comparing anything. I just pointed out a drug people have been forced to take. Obesity is often hyped as a global pandemic. I'm afraid of busybodies making sloppy comparisons with epidemics and forcing weight loss on people. You've most certainly heard the proposals now and then to do that. I've known several people who were told to lose weight or be fired. Some took phen-fen because no other measure worked. So there's being forced, but not so publicly visible.
1 year

New weight loss drug

I can't help but wonder if there will come a day when fat people are forced to take such drugs.

Never going happen. The sad truth is that fat people that don't want to be fat are way too easy to make money off with gimmicks and false promises for anyone to want to get rid of all fat people.
1 year

New weight loss drug

I'm worried that this thing will seriously reduce our dating pool, given that most people want to lose weight.

Even if this were to have any significant effect on the fat population I think that would be more positive to the feederism community. If fat people who don't want to be fat can get skinnier more easily that would mean most fat people you'd see actually like to be fat.
So the dating pool for me wouldn't decrease since i don't want my partner to not like their own body but that's just my opinion ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
1 year
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