
How soon to expect gains after getting desk job?

I worked in a large office that had mostly women. It was fun to see new hires, many very young women just out of high school, most of them ballooned sitting all day and eating fast food at lunch times.

Your gain will start as your metabolism adjusts to your more sedentary work life.

Good luck and eat up!

This reminds me of my college girlfriend that started an intern her junior year in college while she was a couple years younger than myself. Her intern position was in Human Resources of a large real estate management company. I took her out to lunch her first week and met all the women in her dept. when I picked her up, she was the youngest and by far the slimmest and she was already pretty damn plump. Within that first 6 months on the job she must have gained 50-60 lbs. The other women in her dept. were at least 250-320 lbs. all of them. My Hf would tell me about the stories of all of them bringing in cakes and desserts as well as treats all the time and it seemed like there was always a Birthday, promotion internally or something. It is a common sexy theme if you ask me!
1 year
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