
Getting comfortable gaining

I gained from 205lbs to 245lbs in like 3 months. I found it really hot but I also was shocked at how different my body looked in that short period of time. I've kind been hovering around 240lbs for about 3 years now and now and I finally feel more comfortable actively gaining more, and in the last few months I've got up to 255lbs. I've reached the point where by belly is always noticable and I can't really hide it, even if I wanted to. I would eventually like to experience 300lb-350lbs within the next 5-10 years.

I'm just wondering, is it normal to have long periods of adjustment when you've reached certain gaining milestones, in order to feel confident with choosing to gain and the reality of it?

Is it easier going from chubby to properly fat? Or skinny to noticeably chubby?

Any tips?
1 year

Getting comfortable gaining

I gained from 205lbs to 245lbs in like 3 months. I found it really hot but I also was shocked at how different my body looked in that short period of time. I've kind been hovering around 240lbs for about 3 years now and now and I finally feel more comfortable actively gaining more, and in the last few months I've got up to 255lbs. I've reached the point where by belly is always noticable and I can't really hide it, even if I wanted to. I would eventually like to experience 300lb-350lbs within the next 5-10 years.

I'm just wondering, is it normal to have long periods of adjustment when you've reached certain gaining milestones, in order to feel confident with choosing to gain and the reality of it?

Is it easier going from chubby to properly fat? Or skinny to noticeably chubby?

Any tips?

For me gaining at the start was the hardest. Fear of what people will say and such. I come from a big family anyways, so nothing much was said from them. Assume they thought nature was happening. There were a few comments from coworkers starting out. Now I really don't care. I'm already fat, so once you cross that river, then it's much easier, at least for me. I could care less what people think these days lol

Very well said Amanda. What I think is that you are already a very desirable lady and will become even more so with further added weight. Ben - I'm at a similar point, 250ish pounds and thinking of my next heavy eating regime to get to the magic 300.
1 year

Getting comfortable gaining

Thinner people have no concept of weight and fat. It seems that either you are fat or you are not. If you are 300 or 500, you're fat. So, once you are fat, you may as well be 500 if that is what you want. The people who like fat will know the difference and like the change, as well as the person who is gaining.
1 year