
Is there a way to get rid of this fetish?

I have mixed feelings about having this fetish. One part of me loves it, I think being able to love and appreciate bigger bodies (whether my own or someone else's) is a great thing. However, I also feel a bit anxious and somewhat shameful about it. I know feedism isn't the weirdest thing out there but it's definitely not something I'd want other people knowing.

I've started gaining myself after being in denial for years and I'm still kinda on the fence about it. I do have a history of eating disorders, so naturally weight gain is a little daunting to me. My eating disorders were deeply rooted in childhood trauma (most notably sexual abuse) so I have an internal fear of looking more 'curvy' and 'feminine'. Also, I find that much of my identity is attached to being tall and slender, I was always praised for it, many were jealous of me, so it's hard to give that up. I'm also worried the fat I gain will not distrubute on my body the way I want it to, I don't wanna 'ruin' my body for it to not look the way I want (I'm a worry-wart, I know).

I don't wish to get rid of my feedism fetish, however, I wish I only liked other fat people instead of having a desire to make myself bigger.

If you aren't already seeing a therapist, I'd recommend looking into one - preferably a kink-friendly one if they are available.
1 year

Is there a way to get rid of this fetish?

Dying is a way of getting rid of it

Also memory loss i reckon also
1 year

Is there a way to get rid of this fetish?

Try unplugging it, then plugging it back in.

What do you mean with that?

They are being funny. It is a joke based on a tech support solution so common as to become cliche.
1 year
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