
3ds and wii u eshop closes march 27

It's more of a niche thing now maybe but for anyone who still has any interest in picking up games for the 3DS and/or Wii U the time for that is nearly over as they close March 27.

Currently you cannot add money to your 3DS/Wii U eshop account however if your 3DS and Wii U Nintendo Network ID is linked with your Nintendo Account you can add funds via your Switch instead:

You can read more about the 3DS/Wii U eshop's closure here:

If you need an idea for any games to buy, here's a few vids on some that might be worth grabbing:

Some more last minute stuff

Some 3DS RPG's:

Some recommended Fire Emblem Awakening DLC:
-The Golden Pack (easy grinding plus an item that gives you a discount at shops)
-Champions of Yore 3 (has a nice skill)
-Lost Bloodlines 2 (new class)
-Smash Brethren 2 (new class)

Some recommended Fire Emblem Fates DLC:
-The version you don't have (Birthright/Conquest) and Revelations
-Map Pack 1 (lots of good things in it)

Some recommended Fire Emblem Echoes DLC:
-The Fledgling Warriors Pack (easy grinding)
-Inner Sanctum (rare items like the nice Star Jacinth)
-Altar of the Savant (helps buff your mages)
-The Cipher Companions Pack (new characters)
-Maybe Lords of the Grave & Flight from the Ruins

Some recommended virtual Console GB/Game Gear titles (tried to aim for things not on the Switch or other consoles):
-Shining Force II: The Sword of Haiya (great bite-size strategy RPG)
-Avenging Spirit (better than the arcade one! you play a ghost that possesses enemies to control them)
-Donkey Kong for the Gameboy (aka Donkey Kong '94 - a surprising classic that builds on the arcade DK with tons of levels)
-Mega Man IV (first Mega Man game with a shop, and a well done game)
-Mega Man V (unique robot masters, also well done)
-Mega Man Xtreme 2 (different level designs and stuff to the first Xtreme which copy pasted stuff, plus you can play as Zero)
-Mole Mania (neat puzzler)
-Mario Golf & Tennis (neat sports RPGs)
-Kokopolo 3D (also a neat puzzler where you slap enemies to anger and lure them)
-Severed (an interesting first person game where you cut through enemies)

For the Wii U:
-Devil's Crush (terrific pinball game)
-Ogre Battle 64 (great real time strategy)
-Noitu Love: Devolution (good platformer)
-Startropics 2 (good lesser known sequel to the original)
-Wario Land 4 (great platformer)
-Final Fight 3 (good beat em up)
1 year

3ds and wii u eshop closes march 27

RIP 3DS you will be missed 🙏

Oh the Wii U? Never heard of it I only know of the Xenobalde Chronicles X machine 😜
1 year

3ds and wii u eshop closes march 27

I’m going to hack my 2Ds this weekend and my Wii U at some point. This is why I still prefer physical games to digital ones.
1 year

3ds and wii u eshop closes march 27

Sir Saphiel:
It's more of a niche thing now maybe but for anyone who still has any interest in picking up games for the 3DS and/or Wii U the time for that is nearly over as they close March 27.

Currently you cannot add money to your 3DS/Wii U eshop account however if your 3DS and Wii U Nintendo Network ID is linked with your Nintendo Account you can add funds via your Switch instead:

You can read more about the 3DS/Wii U eshop's closure here:

If you need an idea for any games to buy, here's a few vids on some that might be worth grabbing:

Damn...that's all I gotta say😔
1 year

3ds and wii u eshop closes march 27

In the unlikely case someone interested in buying digital 3ds games happens to read this in time, I STRONGLY recommend the Pushmo series, if you like puzzles and/or pixelart. It's a fun little game that offers hours of fun, specially with its level editor!
1 year

3ds and wii u eshop closes march 27

Well it's less than this for some people but the deadline's coming right up anyway. Added some more things to the first post.
1 year

3ds and wii u eshop closes march 27

They gave a little more of an extension after some eShop maintenance, under 12 hours left!

It all finally closes for good at March 28, 12am UTC.
1 year

3ds and wii u eshop closes march 27

The end of an era
1 year