Story authors

Story ideas

I have some story ideas, but I do not have time to write them or money to commission them. So I thought I would put the ideas out there in case an author wanted to use them. I am not trying to get someone to write them for free, just wanted to share my ideas. I envisioned them with a female gaining, but they could be written for male gaining too.

1. A celebrity finds a magical way to make themself fatter then thinner again. This lets them go out in public and not be followed by paparazzi or get recognized everywhere. They meet someone while they are in their fattened state and they fall for each other. Eventually they reveal who they are and the couple has fun getting bigger and smaller (so they can get bigger again, haha).

2. There is a new kind of prison where there are no guards, just feeders. Instead of using conventional methods to keep prisoners in, the prison fattens them until they are too big to leave. Could be immobility or just fat enough that jumping a fence an running away is no longer an option. It could be written from the perspective of a prisoner or a feeder.

3. An underweight woman becomes pregnant with twins or triplets. She joins a drug trial for a medication meant to help pregnancies of multiples go to term and have healthier birth weights. She ends up getting huge with big babies and a side effect of significant weight gain.
1 year