Fattening others

Pre-diabetic and gaining

Ok, so you have to determine the type of person you are:
Do you gain weight because you like to eat or do you eat because you like to gain weight?
For the first people, gym, for the second diet adapted to your body.
For me, the body is a temple, which I aspire to expand with good foundations and reforms. I have no problem giving up any food, but I am not willing to give up expanding my temple.

I start from the basis that people are responsible with their health, and eat what their health allows

I'm not talking about that at all. There are people in this world (a lot of people, unfortunately) who think that if they eat something low in sugar, they won't have to worry about their blood sugar spiking no matter how much they eat.

The ideal would be to know how much sugar rises in your body, based on the low amount of sugar you eat, and not through punctures. Only in this way could an approximate amount be calculated based on the concentration of the food per 100 gm

As today it is impossible to be able to calculate it live 24 hours without punctures. You have to do it based on trial and error.

For example, if I eat a food with 10 gm of sugar, perhaps I can only eat up to 4 servings (and not 3), because it would be equivalent to a food with 30 gm of sugar per 100 grams.

I insist, we must not forget the temperature of the food, I have verified that a frozen food (bread for example) lowers sugar and carbohydrates if you freeze it, with which one would have more room to eat more.
Possibly there are more factors that today I do not know that influence the values ​​of sugar in food

Are ... are you being deliberately obtuse?

What I am talking about is on par with the people allergic to shellfish who think removing the shell will prevent them from having an allergic reaction.

This has nothing to do with determining why you eat the way you do. This is about people eating foods based on vibes and not having a basic understanding of how nutrition works.

And is it not the obligation of the page to inform about the things that can be eaten based on your allergies, illnesses?

If you had made your own separate post, that would have been fine. But you responded to my post. This comes across as you trying to correct or clear up something I said. Which is why I spent so many posts talking about that's not what I was talking about.
11 months

Pre-diabetic and gaining

And is it not the obligation of the page to inform about the things that can be eaten based on your allergies, illnesses?
11 months

Pre-diabetic and gaining

And is it not the obligation of the page to inform about the things that can be eaten based on your allergies, illnesses?

I give up. I don't know if you are simple or are just being obtuse, but there's no hope of getting through your skull.
11 months
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