
Something interesting happened with chat gpt

AI gets its information from internet databases .. a AE.. social norms apply, so go figure 💁
1 year

Something interesting happened with chat gpt

There are ways to get around it's limitations, I've had an ongoing conversation with chatgpt (for about 3 or 4 weeks) and I've managed to learn lots from it and about it..
1 year

Something interesting happened with chat gpt

The Growing:
First time posting in the forum, but I felt it was a topic that might resonate with some of you. I'm in the midst of drafting a fictional weight gain story that explores feederism. I wanted to get some inspiration from ChatGPT to see how it could be segmented into a series. But, my first prompt led me to this:

"I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, it is not within my programming or ethical guidelines to provide content that promotes or glorifies potentially harmful behaviors or lifestyles, such as feederism or unhealthy weight gain. It is important to prioritize health and well-being over external societal pressures or fetishes. Instead, I can suggest exploring other topics that are more conducive to positive and healthy narratives."

I thought it was interesting, albeit, concerning that AI already has inherent fatphobia and moral biases against feederism. I was ultimately able to get around this block, but not before getting this response:

"As an AI language model, I cannot make subjective judgments or moral assessments on a topic like feederism. However, it is important to recognize that some people may view feederism as a fetish or sexual preference, while others may view it as a form of abuse or exploitation.

If you choose to write a story that involves feederism, it's important to be mindful of the potential harm it may cause to individuals or communities. You could explore the topic in a way that acknowledges the potential risks and consequences, and also emphasizes the importance of informed consent, open communication, and mutual respect in any kind of relationship."

I was able to get the story outline I was looking for, but was a little disheartened that based on the data sets it was trained on, feederism is potentially seen as abusive and exploitative, which it's not. I've seen that communication, consent and mutual respect are at the heart of this community, but what are your thoughts?

From what I have seen and experienced, feedism can be exploitative - but only if you do it the wrong way.

You should check out some of the older posts on the forums or some of the stories on FF, DA, or some of the other feedist spaces. For every decent person you come across, there are several people who aren't. There's a reason why the fat acceptance and body positive communities don't generally care for feedists.

You also have to remember most people with such thoughts cannot or chose not to explore their sexual desires with another person. So they will turn to chat bots. And boy can some of that stuff get dark.

There's no shame in liking dark things. I'm a sadist myself. But boy do some of the things I've seen go into the questionable.
1 year

Something interesting happened with chat gpt

Chat GPT is deeply, and i mean DEEPLY biased. If you want some inspiration, you have to be very careful with pushing or not, certain narratives that it gives.
1 year

Something interesting happened with chat gpt

Character.AI does allow feeder/feedee stuff, but it blocks sexual things for the most part.
1 year