
Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

I think one of FF's smartest moves ever made was banning genital pics.

Exactly, if he wants to see genitals, there are thousands of pages on the internet, but here we are safe.
1 year

Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

My guy, this is such a huge, worldwide nope-o’clock “no” for all women who have been on the internet for more than a week, that if you don’t want people to continue coming here just to be like “NO!!”, you’ll probably want to delete the thread.
1 year

Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

How are you stupid enough to actually ask that?
1 year

Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

Food for thought:

We determined that the most frequently reported motivational category for sending genital images was a transactional mindset (i.e., motivated by hopes of receiving images in return), while the most commonly desired reaction from recipients was that of sexual excitement. Further, we determined that men who reported having sent unsolicited dick pics demonstrated higher levels of narcissism and endorsed greater ambivalent and hostile sexism than their non-sending counterparts.
1 year

Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

Blimp Bizkit:
First of all: no. Dont send dick pics, just dont, no, no and no

Second thingy: I remember a female friend of mine used to do a thing when she got dick pics in DMs: she would print em out and made a scrap book with all of the pics she has recieved, as a ridicule comedy thing (No names were on it, just made-up nicknames)

A lot of guys also forget that sending unsolicited dick pics opens them up to blackmail.
1 year

Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

Nothing says “Idiot” quite like sending a dick pic.
1 year

Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

What do the girls think about guys putting there dick out there for all the girls to see

Whether its here on FF or elsewhere on the internet, most women (actually most people in general) find dick pics as profile pics or posted for the general public to see a really big turn off. Same with unsolicited dick pics sent via DM. Anyone that tells you otherwise is either clueless or setting you up for failure in any endeavours you may have to connect with women.

For me personally, if I see a dick pic in a profile I block immediately. I don't want to see that.
1 year

Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

I too block men who give sex photos. it's disgusting..
1 year

Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

I've never underestood the whole idea of doing that, just flashing it around willy nilly (pun intended).

Like is consent REALLY that difficult!?
1 year

Do girls want to see dick pics in bio

It's his first week on the Internet, go easy on him
1 year
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