
Flavor variety and getting super-stuffed

I can't get super-stuffed at a buffet because all the ones near me have only chinese food. It all tastes so similar that I quickly get flavor-fatigued and I start feeling nauseated long before I get anywhere near stuffed and bloated.

But now I'm in my hometown for a few days, and it DOES have some buffets that aren't chinese food. At one of my old favorite places, I ate six plates, an all-time high and I got big enough to need to go up a belt notch. This is wild and wonderful! I'm going to gain a bunch of weight on this trip!
If I didn't move away when I did, I would be at least 600 pounds now.
1 year

Flavor variety and getting super-stuffed

I know that feeling all to well! We used to have old country buffets and Golden Corral and others now it’s all chinese food which has loads of sodium and msg which makes you feel extra meh after eating lots of. I like Chinese food don’t get me wrong, it’s just better in like a normal sized portion ironically.
1 year

Flavor variety and getting super-stuffed

Have you ever tried a breakfast buffet? The first mind-blowing part was that if I started with the pancake/waffle/french toast trio until I hit the syrup sweetness wall, that I could still go savory with cheesy eggs and veggie sausage until I hit the protein wall, then I would have room for sweets again. Also less expensive than dinner buffets in a lot of places.
12 months