
Eating your own weight in food

To put it bluntly, in 3-4 days you’d have absolutely no chance in hell of pulling that off. 1. That’s an alot to eat, and you’ll be practically spending every moment from the time you’re awake to the time you fall asleep stuffing. 2. That is if you can manage to fall asleep, having a gut that full would make it almost impossible to fall asleep, and for four days this could seriously mess up your sleep cycle. 3. Remember that your stomach has a capacity, and if what you put into it is more than that capacity it will bring it back up. So most likely putting that much food that fast into your stomach would end in you vomiting it out. Not to mention other digestive issues.

If you really want to do this, I would suggest doing it in at least a month, preferably even 2. Because even then that’s up to 7 lbs of food a day which is a big task for someone your size, but possibly manageable.
11 months
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