Fat experiences

Body goals, not weight goals

I’d love to be able to grab a handful of fat off my body, big enough to fill both hands, without having to pull or stretch my skin to do it.
11 months

Body goals, not weight goals

My goal is to turn into a big musclechub. Hopefully keep growing my belly, chest, butt. Between added muscle and fat I will weigh more but the goal is to be the size where people who haven’t seen me in awhile are genuinely surprised when they see me.
11 months

Body goals, not weight goals

On the flip side, don't get too wrapped up in your body shape.

Gain if it makes you feel good. Stop when it doesn't. And love yourself through the entire process.

So much this ❤️
11 months

Body goals, not weight goals

Yeah I’m starting to come to this realization. I’ve been losing weight and I can’t keep it on no matter how much I’m eating but I’m really diggin my body right now. Also when you lose serious amounts of weight you look doughier lol
11 months

Body goals, not weight goals

I haven't weighed in recently but I just measured my belly for the first time in a while and I'm now 72" around. That's 6 f***ing feet.

I'm 76" sitting, which is 6'4". So I'm 2 inches rounder when I'm sitting than my standing height of 74"
11 months

Body goals, not weight goals

I've been reflecting on how many changes there have been to my body since I gained, and also some of the things I fantasize about. Open to more ideas.

Body changes

Losing my thigh gap
Love handles
Cellulite on the back of my thighs
Back fat rolls that hang over bra straps
Double belly
Belly hanging over waistband
Stretchmarks on thighs
Butt covered in cellulite
Belly resting on thighs when I sit
Stretchmarks on belly
New body shape
Cellulite on the front of my thighs
Belly and thighs jiggle
Chubby arms
Soft fupa
Chubby cheeks
Double chin

Future or fantasy?

More of everything from before
Belly covering my underwear when standing
Bingo wings
Fat roll at the front of my knees
Belly touching my thighs when standing
Chubby hands and feet
Butt shelf
Thighs touching to the knees
Fat roll at the back of my knees
Everything jiggles
Elbow rolls
Love handles hiding my underwear
Belly touching the bed when I’m on hands and knees.
Thigh and upper arm rolls.
Body changed so much I’m unrecognizable
8 months

Body goals, not weight goals

I would want to be a round ball and have to get rolled places.
8 months

Body goals, not weight goals

i'd just love for my belly to become rounder and develop a little overhang when i'm standing. generally i also just enjoy the feeling of becoming heavier, like, not weight wise, but actually feel my belly becoming heavier when i lift it etc.! smiley

i love thick thigghs good side fat and all good jiggle and wobble
8 months

Body goals, not weight goals

I am always conscious of how much my belly protrudes and low it hangs, how some stationary objects in everyday life interact. Like a latch on gate that once grazed below then brushed underside of gut and now buries into flub below my bellybutton. Countertops, table, lower cabinet doors, low railing my belly currently brushes. Pinching on edge of desk, how many stairs are obscured, and underwear, touching steering wheel when braking, now kissing.

Trying on old clothes is always a treat. Also what the underhang will hold starting with pens and markers way back when, hides a pack of cigarettes, will hold an empty soda can, almost has enough weight to pin a full. Hide a 20oz bottle... Goal is a whole 2 liter.
My own hands make fair measurements of growth, use to be able to touch the crease with fingertips with thumb in bellybutton now can't quite curl under fat roll. Reaching beyond lowest curve, soon won't be able to cup in my palm anymore. Going to miss that when I'm grabbing the sides in order to lift for proper rinse in shower.

Future goal is to one day strain myself reaching bellybutton to poke with finger and jiggle. Nevermind being able to touch the flub hanging below let alone easily reach underneath. Got about length of my hand from wrist to fingertips to grow. Other goals include belly plopping on floor between thighs when doing stretches. Filling sink, bounce and sway against thighs, someday fill my lap.
8 months

Body goals, not weight goals

The best part is fat is always changing on bodies. That firm ball gut grows tons of beautiful stripes and starts hanging more. Discovering a new dimple or stretchmark is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. One can spend a lifetime learning each nuance!
8 months
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