
Should we educate ourselves when it comes to a fetish?

Before saying anything else, I want to apologise in case I'll offend anyone or if this would be inappropriate for this site (also, sorry for my poor english, but keep in mind it isn't the language I speak every day).

So, it may be a rant, but:
I really enjoy feederism. If you check my profile, you can see I am actually into it. My partener is gaining, I'm pretty much a feeder etc. So don't take this as hate for this fetish.

My problem is: it can be dangerous. Not only this one, bdsm can be too. But there the danger is obvious while here, I noticed many people don't realise it.

I know many of you have fantasies of being immobile. I also know many won't get to that point and for many it is just a fantasy, but they wouldn't be able to deal with this in real life and will get scared at the first medical issue because they don't realise how hard it actually is.

Anyway, I want to speak only for the ones who don't have this kind of fantasy and want to be as healthy as possible during their gaining and much more for feeders (specially for the dom ones). Yes, I have this rant because of a feeder I talked to on this site. If you enjoy this fetish so much, why don't you read more about it? Can you even call yourself a feeder if all you know is that your feedee should eat more sweets and fast food, if everything you can say is "eat eat eat" and them ask for impossible to eat quantities of food? If your feedee genuinely wants to do some exercise and you won't allow it because you think this will make him/her lose weight?

I don't want to address to that person who annoyed me today, but I just want to mention some (imo) important informations I think anyone who has this fetish should know (many of you already do know them, I noticed this, so if you'll be nice to add any other info you think it should be known on this topic, it would be nice):

1. Fast food is not the only food which makes someone gain. It only matters to be calorie dense food, it isn't mandatory to be unhealthy. Having snacks as nuts would also make a great job, better than chips actually.

2. Eating fruits won't make someone lose weight. Sure, they don't have as many calories as chocolate, but you can try them with chocolate. They contain fibers which have many benefits.

3. Exercise won't make you thin. Trust me, there are a lot of people on this planet who try to overcome a bad diet with exercise. It doesn't work, it's hard to burn that many calories if you are eating enough. The exercise only will keep you healthier and sometimes it could make you even hungrier (also, it can be something enjoyable as a fetish...getting out of breath while your feeder does the same exercise as a warm up? Think about that 😉)

4. (For the ones who enjoy water inflation) There is a thing called water poisoning or water intoxication. You can actually drink too much water and it can be dangerous. Look it up.

5. As a feeder, you shouldn't push your feedee to eat too much every day. He/she has to also enjoy the process, so don't make this become an unpleasant routine. It's not easy to stuff yourself everyday and human body can't adapt that fast. They can feel sick or just feel the need to eat less sometimes so don't get pushy if you're unable to understand their experience.

In the end I just want to say I don't try to change what you guys do. If you don't want to exercise or you just want to eat only fast food, it's completely fine for me and it's none of my business. This meant to be just some pice of information in case you wanted to exercise or eat healthier but thought it would affect your gaining.

P.S. Idk if it matters, but I have a bachelor's and master's degree in performance sports and physical education (which means I studied nutrition and physiology as well) so I don't speak uninformed. Anyway, I always encourage people to check facts so you don't need to trust my word. This is actually the point, to encourage people to educate about everything related to their fantasies.
11 months

Should we educate ourselves when it comes to a fetish?

Before saying anything else, I want to apologise in case I'll offend anyone or if this would be inappropriate for this site (also, sorry for my poor english, but keep in mind it isn't the language I speak every day).

So, it may be a rant, but:
I really enjoy feederism. If you check my profile, you can see I am actually into it. My partener is gaining, I'm pretty much a feeder etc. So don't take this as hate for this fetish.

My problem is: it can be dangerous. Not only this one, bdsm can be too. But there the danger is obvious while here, I noticed many people don't realise it.

I know many of you have fantasies of being immobile. I also know many won't get to that point and for many it is just a fantasy, but they wouldn't be able to deal with this in real life and will get scared at the first medical issue because they don't realise how hard it actually is.

Anyway, I want to speak only for the ones who don't have this kind of fantasy and want to be as healthy as possible during their gaining and much more for feeders (specially for the dom ones). Yes, I have this rant because of a feeder I talked to on this site. If you enjoy this fetish so much, why don't you read more about it? Can you even call yourself a feeder if all you know is that your feedee should eat more sweets and fast food, if everything you can say is "eat eat eat" and them ask for impossible to eat quantities of food? If your feedee genuinely wants to do some exercise and you won't allow it because you think this will make him/her lose weight?

I don't want to address to that person who annoyed me today, but I just want to mention some (imo) important informations I think anyone who has this fetish should know (many of you already do know them, I noticed this, so if you'll be nice to add any other info you think it should be known on this topic, it would be nice):

1. Fast food is not the only food which makes someone gain. It only matters to be calorie dense food, it isn't mandatory to be unhealthy. Having snacks as nuts would also make a great job, better than chips actually.

2. Eating fruits won't make someone lose weight. Sure, they don't have as many calories as chocolate, but you can try them with chocolate. They contain fibers which have many benefits.

3. Exercise won't make you thin. Trust me, there are a lot of people on this planet who try to overcome a bad diet with exercise. It doesn't work, it's hard to burn that many calories if you are eating enough. The exercise only will keep you healthier and sometimes it could make you even hungrier (also, it can be something enjoyable as a fetish...getting out of breath while your feeder does the same exercise as a warm up? Think about that 😉)

4. (For the ones who enjoy water inflation) There is a thing called water poisoning or water intoxication. You can actually drink too much water and it can be dangerous. Look it up.

5. As a feeder, you shouldn't push your feedee to eat too much every day. He/she has to also enjoy the process, so don't make this become an unpleasant routine. It's not easy to stuff yourself everyday and human body can't adapt that fast. They can feel sick or just feel the need to eat less sometimes so don't get pushy if you're unable to understand their experience.

In the end I just want to say I don't try to change what you guys do. If you don't want to exercise or you just want to eat only fast food, it's completely fine for me and it's none of my business. This meant to be just some pice of information in case you wanted to exercise or eat healthier but thought it would affect your gaining.

P.S. Idk if it matters, but I have a bachelor's and master's degree in performance sports and physical education (which means I studied nutrition and physiology as well) so I don't speak uninformed. Anyway, I always encourage people to check facts so you don't need to trust my word. This is actually the point, to encourage people to educate about everything related to their fantasies.

Yes yes yes

A thousand times, yes

Honestly, this is my main mission when it comes to this site. I want people to experience their fantasies as safely as possible. I don't care if people fantasize about having a fat food diet and gaining a billion pounds. The problem is that a lot of people try to make their fantasies a reality without knowing how to be safe.

I get that some people on this site want to be as unhealthy as possible. I am not talking about these people. I am talking about the people who are completely ignorant and are taking on risks they didn't sign up for. Or maybe they did sign up for risks but are unprepared for reality.

I don't see such posts as often as I did when I first joined, but there are a lot of people in this community that don't understand basic biology. This concerns me because feedism impacts the body.

I also want to add that if you understand how the body works, you can better get
11 months

Should we educate ourselves when it comes to a fetish?

It's good to read a post like this. I'll be honest, this community scares me sometimes, and part of the reasons why are those people that seem unable to draw a line, unaware of the extent of the consequences all of this can have.
Reading health advice from someone (into feedism) that knows what they are talking about is also super helpful.
11 months

Should we educate ourselves when it comes to a fetish?

Raboot The Admirer:
It's good to read a post like this. I'll be honest, this community scares me sometimes, and part of the reasons why are those people that seem unable to draw a line, unaware of the extent of the consequences all of this can have.
Reading health advice from someone (into feedism) that knows what they are talking about is also super helpful.

I notice a lot of feedists avoid anything involving health like the plague. There's this level of shame, so they avoid thinking about it and focus on the fun bits.

I get where they're coming from, but it's not a good idea. That's like your doctor prescribing you medication without checking your medical history. It's super dangerous and it can mess you up in a big way.

Feedism is taboo. It challenges many social norms in a major way. So if you've committed to feedism in some way, you have to challenge your internalized isms - particularly fatphobia. And if you can't do that, you'll end up hurting yourself and/or others.
11 months

Should we educate ourselves when it comes to a fetish?

We definitely need more people like you around here Angy!!

Feedism can be so fun! But it really has to be done responsibly. Overeating is SO hard on our bodies. Nutrition is CRITICAL, especially if one is trying to create a body that needs more, tha means they need *more* nutrition, not just caloric input. Surplus will create weight but not health and then it will be lost if nutrition is added back in.

Also just consent and reality. Lots of thin feeders/FAs have no concept of this. By far some of the most fatphobic people I've met are feedists. Every time.
11 months

Should we educate ourselves when it comes to a fetish?

I agree with your sentiments. I maintained an athletic build for years and always encouraged the women I was with to gain weight but I never really understood what they were going through. I decided at the beginning of last year that I was going to put on some weight just to see what it was like.

Originally it was going to be a one month gain. I weighed 165 at the time. Next thing I know, I'm going to my yearly physical at the beginning of September and I weighed 206. I lost some weight just by reforming to my normal eating habits and by December 2022 I was down to 195. I decided to start gaining again and I'm currently 207 but would like to hit at least 215 by the time I go in for my next physical at the beginning of September. I've noticed certain things I used to take for granted like tying my shoes is hard to do now. I do like the white stretch marks that I now have on my thighs, hips, and butt that were never there before but I'm disappointed I don't have any on my belly since that is what shows the greatest gain. I don't know how to get them because I've already gained rapidly. Also, my belly has softened from my original gain when it was much firmer but I'd like for my tummy to be more flabby and jelly-like if anyone has any suggestions on that.

I feel like I have a lot more empathy now though for BBWs than I had before my own gain.

I've spoken to a lot of (mostly female or AFAsmiley feedees. They mostly agree that fat feeder or mutual gainers tend to be far more empathetic than feeders that have always been thin or in shape.

This isn't to say thin/fit feeders can't be empathetic. But if you haven't experienced something, you owe it to yourself and your feedee to get educated. Most of the resources are free and require little to no prior experience to get started.
11 months