Fat experiences

Fast food

Morbidly A Beast:
We have raised livestock for untold numbers of generations if you shut down production today 1.) millions of people would starve to death
2.) the animals would die as they do not have the ability to survive in the wild anymore. We have domesticated livestock to that much of an extent

We are kinda at a impasse when it comes to food production damned if you do damned if you don’t type situation.

Honestly, anytime you are doing huge systemic changes, it's best to be strategic when you can afford to do so. I don't have any idea what the best way to make these changes is that doesn't lead to a societal collapse, but I'm sure it can be done over time.

Maybe it can be done with gradual changes, I just don’t see a way that can reduce livestock while simultaneously feeding the population, and when push comes to shove I’d rather people not starve…. That said there’s still people starving, even with industrial livestock practices. Also yeah being more local would help immensely smaller farms aren’t monocultural as much for produce and animals are def treated better - the problem is scale and food resource
11 months
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