
Super-sized women / fit man combo

There is something about the juxtaposition between the body of a full bodied curvy woman against a toned athletic male. It is always a stimulating dynamic to see in the world. You picking up what I’m putting down?

I love body contrasts. I'm on the flip side of this. I love being a toned athletic woman juxtaposed with a full-bodied man. Feels so right.
10 months

Super-sized women / fit man combo

That's us!

I keep getting thinner- not because I want to or need to, but it's just what my body is doing at this point.

My love, on the other hand, is now so fat I have to help her stand up- and it's getting really hard! I need a sturdy surface to counterbalance myself. When we go on dates I can overhear some comments from random other women shocked at how huge she is. She doesn't care. More like "heh, yeah I am pretty fat. Honey, can we get some ice cream?"
10 months

Super-sized women / fit man combo

Love contrast like this, whichever way they go!

Does anyone else enjoy the lifestyle element that coems with it, or is that just me, lol?

For example, I know several couples where the husband has grown pretty fat and is continuing to get bigger, while the wife stays trim, and the thought of the different lifestyles they must lead despite living in the same home always intrigues me, especially as men tend naturally not ot put on weight as easily as women.

I can picture the wife up early for morning yoga or boot camp while husband rolls over in bed and resumes snoring.

Breakfast for her is a banana and broccoli smoothie. For him it's bacon, buttered toast, sugary coffee and another slice of toast for good measure.

Both work in offices, but he drives while she cycles. He snacks on candy bars while for her it's fruit. His lunch is an overstuffed delhi sandwich with coca cola and a pastry for dessert, her's is a light salad.

Both go out for drinks on a Friday, but where for him its heavy beers, she sticks to shots and slimline tonics. Yet he's the one soaking it up with a kebab later, or raiding the fridge when he gets back...

One thing I've definitely seen first hand is the fat husband serving himself an almost comically huge portion of dinner, which looks even more colossal next to the dainty serving on his trim wife's plate. He attacks it greedily, begins to struggle at some point, but battles on, making sure he finishes every last scrap just to prove a point (see, I didn't take too much, it was just *burp* right!) even though he's clearly uncomfortably full.

And he wonders why he can't zip up his work pants...

Sorry if that's a bit off topic. I like a fat woman / slim man contrast too!!
10 months

Super-sized women / fit man combo

I’m a big fan of the SSBBW with a taller, well padded muscular male. A lot of his strength will be required sexually.
10 months

Super-sized women / fit man combo

yes it will 😍 an more happy sexual
10 months