
Litterally explode

i want to eat to the point i really cannot eat one more bite, and have someone make me eat more, so i finnaly explode or burst, please
10 months

Litterally explode

i want to eat to the point i really cannot eat one more bite, and have someone make me eat more, so i finnaly explode or burst, please

The human body prioritizes staying alive. You're more likely to vomit and you are to burst.

That said, if you are feeling suicidal, there are resources out there that can help you. I don't know what you are going through, but as someone who has been suicidal before, I promise you it gets better.

Here's a link to some hotlines in your country if you need them.
10 months

Litterally explode

Wanting to burst not. Nessecery mean that he is suicidal. I also would like to burst OwO
10 months