Fat experiences

Have you ever been enthralled by comments about your weight??

was told recently i look 4 months pregnant
10 months

Have you ever been enthralled by comments about your weight??

I've had two strangers prod my belly in public. It was incredibly erotic.
10 months

Have you ever been enthralled by comments about your weight??

Literally just today I was aproched by a customer in work who I havnt seen in months. She asked me how I was and said I must be happy because I've gained weight. It's the first time anybody has acknowledged my weight gain. I was having doubts about gaining yesterday but now im more motivated than ever. As soon as I was free I bought 500mls of heavy cream and downed it.

That's great! If it was me I would ask "Where have I gained weight?" as if I wasn't aware, and then hope she would say, "Well, certainly your stomach!" and I would say "What about it?" Hoping she would say "It's very big now."

Way cool about the heavy cream...that'll do it!

I wish!!

I love this. I'm still waiting for my first comment. I ran into someone I hadn't seen for nearly a year the other day, and I think I saw them glance at my belly. I was really hoping they would say something about it, but they didn't 😒. I call it 'Schrodinger's Fat'. Until someone remarks that I'm starting to get chubby, I still think I'm thin πŸ₯Ί
10 months

Have you ever been enthralled by comments about your weight??

I was.

My closed family members has noticed my weight gain and being expressed their negative views about it. But my aunt love feeding me and every time I come visit she’s making sure I am eating well. Recently she noticed my belly got a little bigger and just smiled to me with a wink πŸ˜…πŸ«£

Nice it's getting some recognition. It's looking very plump, by the way πŸ˜‰
10 months
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