Fat experiences

Gain is different this time

I've noticed this gain is much different than other gains I've done in my life. I'm only up 12lbs, but the fat is sitting very differently than in the past. My belly is squishier, my love handles are bigger and my chest is softer and bigger. I don't think I've done anything differently, yet my clothes don't fit the same way they did when I wore them when I was losing.
8 months

Gain is different this time

Loss then gain repeated does exactly this - softer & more out of shape etc.
8 months

Gain is different this time

Loss then gain repeated does exactly this - softer & more out of shape etc.

I'll take it! Softer is something I've been aiming for with no success before now. Makes me wanna gain quicker haha. But, no, I'm on a mission to do this over time. Time to stop the yo-yoing!
8 months

Gain is different this time

Ex Jock:
I’ve often wonder this about people who yo-yo in weight and re-gain and lose weight. It seems, just from popular models in the community, each time they regain they get flabbier, vs plump and “inflated” so to speak. Maybe age plays a part, but a couple I’ve noticed who were rounder ended up squishier and doughier, with more love handles and hanging belly than a gut or pot belly

I have never experienced it in my previous gains. It would make sense if age is a factor. Regardless, I'm liking this!
8 months