
Pics of guys

Today I tucked in my shirt. I was out and about just to try it to see how I felt. I was at the mall briefly, had lunch at Wendy's and then did groceries. It was definitely out of my comfort zone, but it was okay. I think it looked good. I will try it again soon. It was for sure easier to do in front of strangers. I'm not ready to do it at work yet.

1 year

Pics of guys

What pictures do feedee, ffa, or admires like to see from guys the most? Like what kind of poses or content would y’all like to see from a male feedee? Both sfw or nsfw either way.

Honestly, I wish the men would take a page out of their female counterpart's books and put in some effort to make things look good.

Get some decent lighting and a good background.

Learn your angles.

Don't do the same thing over and over.

Make an effort to be sexy.

I like and appreciate Munchies’ ideas here. For me, a little attention has turned me into an attention hog. Not a good thing and not a good look.

I also want to really show off skin, but I realize that really, less is more. A belly peaking out of a too-tight button up shirt tells a story. Suggestive sexy is good.

Also, really I think the best feedist photos tell stories. Outgrown clothing. Showing your struggle to button your pants. Including food or empty pizza boxes or ice cream cartons.

I don’t have many photos posted here. I’ve been haphazard here in what I’ve posted. I have much more on my Feabie account. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I have a tendency to do the same thing over and over, and I’m glad Munchies mentioned that. I’m working on stopping that. I’m such a narcissist now that I’ve done this. It took me years to work up the courage to post photos. I had no idea it would release the secret exhibitionist inside me.

It also helps to look at others’ photos. See which ones you like and see if you can replicate the poses, the lighting or the “story” the photo tells. If you’re a guy, look at the really great women’s pics. See what they’re doing that’s right. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

Also, listen to others. And don’t be afraid of trying something new. I was recently encouraged to take some photos of my bottom. I’d tried before but disliked the results. However, this bootylicious woman who encouraged me also gave me tips on a good arse photo. They came out better than I could have ever imagined.

Maybe I’ll post one here. I posted a few on Feabie as “full moon” reminders that the full moon is tonight. It’s also a Super Moon and a Blue Moon. The largest moon this year. Get outside tonight and enjoy the moonlight.

Okay. Got off topic. I did learn to ask for help from someone who I considered a booty connoisseur. Lesson learned.
1 year
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